Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeHandle

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.aggregation

Fields in rice.p2p.aggregation declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle AggregateHandle.handle

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle AggregateHandle.getNodeHandle()
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the AggregateHandle object
 NodeHandle AggregationImpl.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Gets the LocalNodeHandle attribute of the AggregationImpl object
 NodeHandle Moraine.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Gets the LocalNodeHandle attribute of the Moraine object

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void AggregationImpl.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
 void Moraine.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)

Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation with parameters of type NodeHandle
AggregateHandle(NodeHandle handle, Id id, long version, long expiration)
          Constructor for AggregateHandle.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle AggregationMessage.source

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle AggregationMessage.getSource()
          Method which returns this messages' source address

Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
AggregationMessage(int id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
AggregationTimeoutMessage(int uid, NodeHandle local)
          Constructor for AggregationTimeoutMessage.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.commonapi

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle Endpoint.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
 NodeHandle Node.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Returns a handle to the local node.
 NodeHandle NodeHandleSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 NodeHandle NodeHandleSet.getHandle(int i)
          Gets the ith element in the set.
 NodeHandle NodeHandleSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeHandle RouteMessage.getNextHopHandle()
          Returns the next hop handle for this message

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void Application.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
 void Endpoint.route(Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
 void Endpoint.route(Id id, RawMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
          Same as the other call, but uses the Raw serialization rather than java serialization.
 NodeHandleSet Endpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 IdRange Endpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange Endpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 void Endpoint.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, int timeout)
          Opens a connection to this application on a remote node.
 boolean NodeHandleSet.putHandle(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
 void RouteMessage.setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle nextHop)
          Sets the next hop handle for this message

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle NodeHandleReader.readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)
          To use Raw Serialization
 NodeHandle NodeHandleReader.coalesce(NodeHandle handle)

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization with parameters of type NodeHandle
 Message MessageDeserializer.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, short type, byte priority, NodeHandle sender)
          RawMessage ret = super.deserialize(); if (ret != null) return ret; Endpoint endpoint; switch(type) { case 1: return new MyMessage(buf, endpoint); }
 NodeHandle NodeHandleReader.coalesce(NodeHandle handle)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.glacier.v2

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle DebugContentHandle.myNodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle GlacierContentHandle.nodeHandle

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle DebugContentHandle.getNodeHandle()
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the DebugContentHandle object
 NodeHandle GlacierContentHandle.getNodeHandle()
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the GlacierContentHandle object
 NodeHandle GlacierImpl.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Gets the LocalNodeHandle attribute of the GlacierImpl object

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void GlacierImpl.sendMessage(Id id, GlacierMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
 void GlacierImpl.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
 void GlacierImpl.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 with parameters of type NodeHandle
GlacierContentHandle(Id id, long version, NodeHandle nodeHandle, Manifest manifest)
          Constructor for GlacierContentHandle.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle GlacierMessage.source
protected  NodeHandle GlacierRangeForwardMessage.requestor

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle GlacierMessage.getSource()
          Method which returns this messages' source address
 NodeHandle GlacierRangeForwardMessage.getRequestor()
          Gets the Requestor attribute of the GlacierRangeForwardMessage object

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
GlacierDataMessage(int uid, FragmentKey key, Fragment fragment, Manifest manifest, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierDataMessage.
GlacierDataMessage(int uid, FragmentKey[] keys, Fragment[] fragments, Manifest[] manifests, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierDataMessage.
GlacierFetchMessage(int uid, FragmentKey key, int request, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierFetchMessage.
GlacierFetchMessage(int uid, FragmentKey[] keys, int request, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierFetchMessage.
GlacierMessage(int id, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
GlacierNeighborRequestMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierNeighborRequestMessage.
GlacierNeighborResponseMessage(int uid, Id[] neighbors, long[] lastSeen, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierNeighborResponseMessage.
GlacierQueryMessage(int uid, FragmentKey[] keys, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierQueryMessage.
GlacierRangeForwardMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle requestor, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRangeForwardMessage.
GlacierRangeQueryMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRangeQueryMessage.
GlacierRangeResponseMessage(int uid, IdRange commonRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRangeResponseMessage.
GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage(int uid, VersionKey[] keys, int[] updates, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage.
GlacierRefreshPatchMessage(int uid, VersionKey[] keys, long[] lifetimes, byte[][] signatures, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRefreshPatchMessage.
GlacierRefreshProbeMessage(int uid, Id requestedId, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRefreshProbeMessage.
GlacierRefreshResponseMessage(int uid, IdRange range, boolean online, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRefreshResponseMessage.
GlacierResponseMessage(int uid, FragmentKey key, boolean haveIt, long lifetime, boolean authoritative, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierResponseMessage.
GlacierResponseMessage(int uid, FragmentKey[] keys, boolean[] haveIt, long[] lifetimes, boolean[] authoritative, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierResponseMessage.
GlacierSyncMessage(int uid, IdRange range, int offsetFID, BloomFilter BloomFilter, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierSyncMessage.
GlacierTimeoutMessage(int uid, NodeHandle local)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id and the local id

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.multiring

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.multiring
 class MultiringNodeHandle

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle MultiringNodeHandle.handle
          The internal handle

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle MultiringEndpoint.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
 NodeHandle MultiringEndpoint.readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)
 NodeHandle MultiringEndpoint.coalesce(NodeHandle handle)
 NodeHandle MultiringNode.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Gets the LocalNodeHandle attribute of the MultiringNode object
protected  NodeHandle MultiringNodeHandle.getHandle()
          Returns the internal handle
 NodeHandle MultiringNodeHandleSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 NodeHandle MultiringNodeHandleSet.getHandle(int i)
          Gets the ith element in the set.
 NodeHandle MultiringNodeHandleSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeHandle MultiringRouteMessage.getNextHopHandle()
          Returns the next hop handle for this message

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void MultiringApplication.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
 void MultiringEndpoint.route(Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
 void MultiringEndpoint.route(Id id, RawMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
 NodeHandleSet MultiringEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 IdRange MultiringEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange MultiringEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 void MultiringEndpoint.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, int timeout)
          Passthrough to sub endpoint.
 NodeHandle MultiringEndpoint.coalesce(NodeHandle handle)
 void MultiringNode.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.
 void MultiringNode.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.
 boolean MultiringNodeHandleSet.putHandle(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
 void MultiringRouteMessage.setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle nextHop)
          Sets the next hop handle for this message

Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type NodeHandle
MultiringNodeHandle(Id ringId, NodeHandle handle)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.multiring.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.past

Methods in rice.p2p.past that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle ContentHashPastContentHandle.getNodeHandle()
          Returns the NodeHandle of the Past node on which the object associated with this handle is stored
 NodeHandle Past.getLocalNodeHandle()
          get the nodeHandle of the local Past node
 NodeHandle PastContentHandle.getNodeHandle()
          get the NodeHandle of the Past node on which the object associated with this handle is stored
 NodeHandle PastImpl.getLocalNodeHandle()
          get the nodeHandle of the local Past node

Methods in rice.p2p.past with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void Past.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handle for the given object stored on the requested node.
protected  void PastImpl.sendRequest(NodeHandle handle, PastMessage message, Continuation command)
          Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
protected  void PastImpl.sendRequest(Id id, PastMessage message, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
 void PastImpl.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handle for the given object stored on the requested node.
 void PastImpl.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
 void PastImpl.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
 Message PastImpl.PastDeserializer.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, short type, byte priority, NodeHandle sender)
 void PastPolicy.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Cache backup, Past past, Continuation command)
          This method is called when Past is told to fetch a key.
 void PastPolicy.DefaultPastPolicy.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Cache backup, Past past, Continuation command)
          This method fetches the object via a lookup() call.

Constructors in rice.p2p.past with parameters of type NodeHandle
ContentHashPastContentHandle(NodeHandle nh, Id id)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.past.gc

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle GCEndpoint.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
 NodeHandle GCEndpoint.readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)
 NodeHandle GCEndpoint.coalesce(NodeHandle handle)
 NodeHandle GCNode.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Method which returns the node handle to the local node

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void GCEndpoint.route(Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
 void GCEndpoint.route(Id id, RawMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
 NodeHandleSet GCEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 IdRange GCEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange GCEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 void GCEndpoint.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, int timeout)
          Passthrough to the sub endpoint.
 NodeHandle GCEndpoint.coalesce(NodeHandle handle)
 void GCPastImpl.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
 Message GCPastImpl.GCPastDeserializer.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, short type, byte priority, NodeHandle sender)
 GCIdSet GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap.getIds(NodeHandle replica)
          Gets the Ids attribute of the ReplicaMap object
 void GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap.addReplica(NodeHandle handle, GCId id)
          Adds a feature to the Replica attribute of the ReplicaMap object

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
GCCollectMessage(int id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
GCInsertMessage(int uid, PastContent content, long expiration, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
GCLookupHandlesMessage(int uid, Id id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
GCRefreshMessage(int uid, GCIdSet keys, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the keys to be refreshed

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle.getNodeHandle()
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle object

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.past.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.past.messaging declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle MessageLostMessage.hint
protected  NodeHandle PastMessage.source

Methods in rice.p2p.past.messaging that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle LookupMessage.getPreviousNodeHandle()
          Method which returns the previous hop (where the message was just at)
 NodeHandle PastMessage.getSource()
          Method which returns this messages' source address

Methods in rice.p2p.past.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void LookupMessage.addHop(NodeHandle handle)
          Method which is designed to be overridden by subclasses if they need to keep track of where they've been.
 void PastMessage.addHop(NodeHandle handle)
          Method which is designed to be overridden by subclasses if they need to keep track of where they've been.

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
CacheMessage(int uid, PastContent content, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id and the local id
CacheMessage(int uid, RawPastContent content, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor for CacheMessage.
ContinuationMessage(int uid, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
FetchHandleMessage(int uid, Id id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
FetchMessage(int uid, PastContentHandle handle, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
FetchMessage(int uid, RawPastContentHandle handle, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor for FetchMessage.
InsertMessage(int uid, PastContent content, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
InsertMessage(int uid, RawPastContent content, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor for InsertMessage.
LookupHandlesMessage(int uid, Id id, int max, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
LookupMessage(int uid, Id id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
MessageLostMessage(int uid, NodeHandle local, Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id and the local id
PastMessage(int id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization

Methods in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle JavaSerializedPastContentHandle.getNodeHandle()
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the JavaSerializedPastContentHandle object

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.past.testing

Fields in rice.p2p.past.testing declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle.handle
protected  NodeHandle RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle.handle

Methods in rice.p2p.past.testing that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle.getNodeHandle()
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the TestPastContentHandle object
 NodeHandle PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.getNextHopHandle()
          Gets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
 NodeHandle RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle.getNodeHandle()
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the TestPastContentHandle object
 NodeHandle RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.getNextHopHandle()
          Gets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object

Methods in rice.p2p.past.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle nextHop)
          Sets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
 void RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle nextHop)
          Sets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id id, NodeHandle nextHop, Message message)
          Constructor for TestRouteMessage.
RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id id, NodeHandle nextHop, Message message)
          Constructor for TestRouteMessage.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.replication

Fields in rice.p2p.replication declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle ReplicationImpl.handle
          the local node handle

Methods in rice.p2p.replication with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void ReplicationClient.fetch(IdSet keySet, NodeHandle hint)
          This upcall is invoked to notify the application that is should fetch the cooresponding keys in this set, since the node is now responsible for these keys also.
 void ReplicationImpl.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.replication.manager

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void ReplicationManagerClient.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
protected  void ReplicationManagerImpl.informClient(Id id, NodeHandle hint)
          Internal method which informs the client of the next id to fetch
 void ReplicationManagerImpl.fetch(IdSet keySet, NodeHandle hint)
          This upcall is invoked to notify the application that is should fetch the cooresponding keys in this set, since the node is now responsible for these keys also.
 void ReplicationManagerImpl.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
 void ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper.fetch(IdSet keySet, NodeHandle hint)
          Method by which keys are added to the list of keys to fetch

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.replication.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.replication.messaging declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle ReplicationMessage.source

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.messaging that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle ReplicationMessage.getSource()
          Method which returns this messages' source address

Constructors in rice.p2p.replication.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
ReminderMessage(NodeHandle source)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
ReplicationMessage(NodeHandle source)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
RequestMessage(NodeHandle source, IdRange[] ranges, IdBloomFilter[] filters)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
ResponseMessage(NodeHandle source, IdRange[] ranges, IdSet[] setA)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.replication.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient.fetch(IdSet keySet, NodeHandle hint)
          This upcall is invoked to notify the application that is should fetch the cooresponding keys in this set, since the node is now responsible for these keys also.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.scribe

Fields in rice.p2p.scribe declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle ScribeImpl.handle
          the local node handle
protected  NodeHandle ScribeImpl.TopicManager.parent

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle[] Scribe.getChildren(Topic topic)
          Returns the list of children for a given topic
 NodeHandle Scribe.getParent(Topic myTopic)
          Returns the parent node for a given topic
 NodeHandle[] ScribeImpl.getChildren(Topic topic)
          Returns the list of children for a given topic
 NodeHandle ScribeImpl.getParent(Topic topic)
          Returns the parent for a given topic
 NodeHandle ScribeImpl.TopicManager.getParent()
          Gets the Parent attribute of the TopicManager object
 NodeHandle[] ScribeImpl.TopicManager.getChildren()
          Gets the Children attribute of the TopicManager object

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void Scribe.addChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Adds a child to the given topic
 void Scribe.removeChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Removes a child from the given topic
 void ScribeClient.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.
 void ScribeClient.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.
 void ScribeImpl.addChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Adds a child to the given topic
protected  void ScribeImpl.addChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child, int id)
          Adds a child to the given topic, using the specified sequence number in the ack message sent to the child.
 void ScribeImpl.removeChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Removes a child from the given topic
protected  void ScribeImpl.removeChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child, boolean sendDrop)
          Removes a child from the given topic
 void ScribeImpl.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
 void ScribeImpl.TopicManager.setParent(NodeHandle handle)
          Sets the Parent attribute of the TopicManager object
 void ScribeImpl.TopicManager.addChild(NodeHandle child)
          Adds a feature to the Child attribute of the TopicManager object
 boolean ScribeImpl.TopicManager.removeChild(NodeHandle child)
 boolean ScribePolicy.allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage message, ScribeClient[] clients, NodeHandle[] children)
          This method is called when the newChild is about to become our child, and the policy should return whether or not the child should be allowed to become our child.
 void ScribePolicy.directAnycast(AnycastMessage message, NodeHandle parent, NodeHandle[] children)
          This method is called when an anycast is received which is not satisfied at the local node.
 void ScribePolicy.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this policy that a child was added to a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
 void ScribePolicy.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this policy that a child was removed from a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
 boolean ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy.allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage message, ScribeClient[] clients, NodeHandle[] children)
          This method always return true;
 void ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy.directAnycast(AnycastMessage message, NodeHandle parent, NodeHandle[] children)
          Simply adds the parent and children in order, which implements a depth-first-search.
 void ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this policy that a child was added to a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
 void ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this policy that a child was removed from a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
 boolean ScribePolicy.LimitedScribePolicy.allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage message, ScribeClient[] clients, NodeHandle[] children)
          This method returns (children.length < maxChildren-1);

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe with parameters of type NodeHandle
ScribeImpl.TopicManager(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Constructor for TopicManager.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle ScribeMessage.source
protected  NodeHandle SubscribeMessage.subscriber
          The original subscriber

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle AnycastMessage.getNext()
          Returns the next handle to visit and removes the node from the list.
 NodeHandle AnycastMessage.peekNext()
          Returns the next handle to visit
 NodeHandle ScribeMessage.getSource()
          Method which returns this messages' source address
 NodeHandle SubscribeMessage.getSubscriber()
          Returns the node who is trying to subscribe

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void AnycastMessage.addVisited(NodeHandle handle)
          Adds a node to the visited list
 void AnycastMessage.addFirst(NodeHandle handle)
          Adds a node the the front of the to-visit list
 void AnycastMessage.addLast(NodeHandle handle)
          Adds a node the the end of the to-visit list
 void AnycastMessage.remove(NodeHandle handle)
          Removes the node handle from the to visit and visited lists
 void ScribeMessage.setSource(NodeHandle source)
          Method which set this messages' source address

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
AbstractSubscribeMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, int id)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
AnycastMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, ScribeContent content)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
AnycastMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
          Constructor for AnycastMessage.
DropMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
PublishMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, ScribeContent content)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
PublishMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
          Constructor for PublishMessage.
PublishRequestMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, ScribeContent content)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
PublishRequestMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
          Constructor for PublishRequestMessage.
ScribeMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeAckMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, Id[] pathToRoot, int id)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeFailedMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, int id)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeLostMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, int id)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, int id, RawScribeContent content)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, Id previousParent, int id, RawScribeContent content)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
UnsubscribeMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.scribe.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.testing that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle RawScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.getNextHopHandle()
          Gets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
 NodeHandle ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.getNextHopHandle()
          Gets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void RawScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
 void RawScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
 boolean RawScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy.allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage message, ScribeClient[] clients, NodeHandle[] children)
 void RawScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle nextHop)
          Sets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
 void ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
 void ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
 boolean ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy.allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage message, ScribeClient[] clients, NodeHandle[] children)
 void ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle nextHop)
          Sets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
RawScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id id, NodeHandle nextHop, Message message)
          Constructor for TestRouteMessage.
ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id id, NodeHandle nextHop, Message message)
          Constructor for TestRouteMessage.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.splitstream

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle SplitStreamScribePolicy.freeBandwidth(Channel channel, NodeHandle newChild, Id stripeId)
          This method attempts to free bandwidth from our primary stripe.
 NodeHandle[] Stripe.getChildren()
          Utility method.
 NodeHandle Stripe.getParent()
          Utility method.

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream with parameters of type NodeHandle
 boolean SplitStreamScribePolicy.allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage message, ScribeClient[] clients, NodeHandle[] children)
          This method implements the "locating parent" algorithm of SplitStream.
 void SplitStreamScribePolicy.directAnycast(AnycastMessage message, NodeHandle parent, NodeHandle[] children)
          This method adds the parent and child in such a way that the nodes who have this stripe as their primary strpe are examined first.
 NodeHandle SplitStreamScribePolicy.freeBandwidth(Channel channel, NodeHandle newChild, Id stripeId)
          This method attempts to free bandwidth from our primary stripe.
 void SplitStreamScribePolicy.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this policy that a child was added to a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
 void SplitStreamScribePolicy.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this policy that a child was removed from a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
 void Stripe.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.
 void Stripe.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.util

Methods in rice.p2p.util with parameters of type NodeHandle
 Message JavaSerializedDeserializer.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, short type, byte priority, NodeHandle sender)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry
 class NodeHandle
          Interface for handles to remote nodes.

Methods in rice.pastry that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle NodeSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.getHandle(int i)
          Gets the ith element in the set.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeHandle PastryNode.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Gets the LocalNodeHandle attribute of the PastryNode object

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type NodeHandle
 boolean NodeSet.putHandle(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a NodeHandle into the set.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.commonapi

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle PastryEndpoint.getLocalNodeHandle()
          Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
 NodeHandle PastryEndpoint.readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)
 NodeHandle PastryEndpoint.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void PastryEndpoint.route(Id key, Message msg, NodeHandle hint)
          This operation forwards a message towards the root of key.
 void PastryEndpoint.route(Id key, RawMessage msg, NodeHandle hint)
 NodeHandleSet PastryEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 IdRange PastryEndpoint.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key, boolean cumulative)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 IdRange PastryEndpoint.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 boolean PastryEndpoint.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 void PastryEndpoint.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, int timeout)
          Translate to a pastry.NodeHandle, otherwise, this is a passthrough function.
 NodeHandle PastryEndpoint.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.direct

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.direct
 class DirectNodeHandle
          the node handle used with the direct network

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.dist

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.dist
 class DistNodeHandle
          Abstract class for handles to "real" remote nodes.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.leafset

Fields in rice.pastry.leafset declared as NodeHandle
 NodeHandle LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException.nh

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the Id.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.getHandle(int i)
          Gets the ith element in the set.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type NodeHandle
 boolean SimilarSet.putHandle(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a NodeHandle into the set.

Constructors in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type NodeHandle
LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException(java.lang.String string, int r, int pos, int uniqueNodes, NodeHandle nh, LeafSet ls)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
 Message JavaSerializedDeserializer.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, short type, byte priority, NodeHandle sender)
 Message PJavaSerializedDeserializer.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, short type, byte priority, NodeHandle sender)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.routing

Methods in rice.pastry.routing that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle RouteMessage.getNextHopHandle()
          Gets the NextHopHandle attribute of the RouteMessage object
 NodeHandle RouteSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the Id.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.getHandle(int i)
          Gets the ith element in the set.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.

Methods in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void RouteMessage.setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle nextHop)
          Sets the NextHopHandle attribute of the RouteMessage object
 boolean RouteSet.putHandle(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a NodeHandle into the set.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.socket

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.socket
 class SocketNodeHandle
          Class which represents the address and nodeId of a remote node.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.testing

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.testing
static class LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.tutorial.appsocket

Methods in rice.tutorial.appsocket with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void MyApp.sendMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle nh)
          Called to directly send a message to the nh
 void MyApp.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          Called when you hear about a new neighbor.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.tutorial.lesson3

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson3 with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void MyApp.routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle nh)
          Called to directly send a message to the nh
 void MyApp.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          Called when you hear about a new neighbor.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.tutorial.lesson4

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson4 with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void MyApp.routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle nh)
          Called to directly send a message to the nh
 void MyApp.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          Called when you hear about a new neighbor.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.tutorial.lesson5

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson5 with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void MyApp.routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle nh)
          Called to directly send a message to the nh
 void MyApp.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          Called when you hear about a new neighbor.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.tutorial.lesson6

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson6 that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle MyScribeClient.getParent()
          Gets the Parent attribute of the MyScribeClient object
 NodeHandle[] MyScribeClient.getChildren()
          Gets the Children attribute of the MyScribeClient object
static NodeHandle ScribeTutorial.getRoot(NodeHandle seed, java.util.Hashtable appTable)
          Recursively crawl up the tree to find the root.

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson6 with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void MyScribeClient.childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
 void MyScribeClient.childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
 void MyScribeClient.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
static NodeHandle ScribeTutorial.getRoot(NodeHandle seed, java.util.Hashtable appTable)
          Recursively crawl up the tree to find the root.
static void ScribeTutorial.recursivelyPrintChildren(NodeHandle curNode, int recursionDepth, java.util.Hashtable appTable)
          Print's self, then children.

Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson6 with parameters of type NodeHandle
MyScribeContent(NodeHandle from, int seq)
          Simple constructor.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.tutorial.rawserialization

Methods in rice.tutorial.rawserialization with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void MyApp.routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle nh)
          Called to directly send a message to the nh
 void MyApp.update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          Called when you hear about a new neighbor.

Rice Pastry API

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