Class Summary |
ClosestRegrTest |
ClosestRegrTest A test suite for the getClosest algorithm. |
DirectPastryPingTest |
DirectPastryPingTest A performance test suite for pastry. |
DirectPastryRegrTest |
PastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry. |
DistHelloWorld |
A hello world example for pastry. |
DistPastryRegrTest |
a regression test suite for pastry with "distributed" nodes. |
HelloMsg |
HelloWorld |
A hello world example for pastry. |
HelloWorldApp |
A hello world example for pastry. |
IdRangeUnit |
IdRangeUnit tests the IdRange class. |
LeafSetTest |
This class tests the correctness of the leafset in Pastry. |
LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle |
MemoryTest |
The purpose of this test is to verify that FreePastry is properly shutting
down, without having to destroy the JVM. |
NodeIdUnit |
NodeIdUnit tests the NodeId class. |
PartitionChecker |
Pass in a certificate which contains bootstrap nodes. |
PastryNetworkTest |
Utility class for checking the consistency of an existing pastry network. |
PastryRegrTest |
PastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry. |
PastryTest |
Pastry test. |
Ping |
Ping A performance test suite for pastry. |
PingAddress |
PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry. |
PingClient |
A very simple ping object. |
PingMessageNew |
PingMessageNew A performance test suite for pastry. |
PingTestRecord |
PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry. |
RegrTestApp |
RegrTestApp A regression test suite for pastry. |
SinglePingTest |
SinglePingTest A performance test suite for pastry. |