Rice Pastry API

Package rice.pastry.socket

Interface Summary
PingResponseListener Interface which represents an object interested in hearing the result of a ping.

Class Summary
EpochInetSocketAddress Class which represets a source route to a remote IP address.
SocketBuffer Holds 1 serialized message for receiving or sending.
SocketChannelReader Class which serves as an "reader" for messages sent across the wire via the Pastry socket protocol.
SocketChannelRepeater Class which serves as an "reader" for messages sent across the wire via the Pastry socket protocol.
SocketChannelWriter Class which serves as an "writer" for all of the messages sent across the wire in Pastry.
SocketCollectionManager Class which maintains all outgoing open sockets.
SocketNodeHandle Class which represents the address and nodeId of a remote node.
SocketPastryNode An Socket-based Pastry node, which has two threads - one thread for performing route set and leaf set maintainance, and another thread for listening on the sockets and performing all non-blocking I/O.
SocketPastryNodeFactory Pastry node factory for Socket-linked nodes.
SocketSourceRouteManager Class which keeps track of the best routes to remote nodes.
SourceRoute Class which represets a source route to a remote IP address.

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.
