Rice Pastry API

Package rice.p2p.util

Interface Summary

Class Summary
Base64.InputStream A Base64#InputStream will read data from another InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream A Base64#OutputStream will write data to another OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
JavaDeserializer coalesces NodeHandles on the fly during java deserialization
JavaSerializedDeserializer Handles "old" java serialized messages for programming convienience and reverse compatability.
JavaSerializedMessage Wrapper that converts rice.pastry.messaging.Message to rice.pastry.messageing.PRawMessage
MathUtils This class contains a large number of static methods for performing math operations.
RedBlackMap This class is a modification of the RedBlackMap java class, with the added benefit that iterators do not throw a ConcurrentModificationException when the backing tree changes.
SecurityUtils This class contains a large number of static methods for performing security-related primitives, such as encrypt, decrypt, etc...
SoftHashMap Class which implements a Soft-Reference based HashMap, allowing the garbage collector to collection stuff if memory pressure is tight.
StringCache Implementation of a cache of strings
XMLObjectInputStream XMLObjectInputStreamm is an extension of ObjectInputStreamm which provides for deserialization for objects which have been converted to XML via a XMLObjectOutputStream.
XMLObjectOutputStream XMLObjectOutputStream is an extension of ObjectOutputStream which provides for serialization for arbitrary Java objects, in the same manner as the ObjectOutputStream class.
XMLParser This class is a memory-efficient implementation of most of the XML pull parsing API.
XMLReader XMLReader is a utility class used by XMLObjectInputStreamm to perform the actual XML parsing.
XMLWriter XMLWriter is a utility class used by XMLObjectOutputStream to perform the actual XML writing.

Rice Pastry API

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