Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use PastryAppl

Uses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type PastryAppl
 void PastryNode.registerReceiver(int address, PastryAppl receiver)
          Registers a message receiver with this Pastry node.
 void PastryNode.registerApp(PastryAppl app)
          Registers an application with this pastry node.
abstract  void PastryNode.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, PastryAppl appl, int timeout)
          Called by PastryAppl to ask the transport layer to open a Socket to its counterpart on another node.

Uses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.client

Subclasses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.client
 class CommonAPIAppl
          CommonAPIAppl is an abstract class that all new applications should extend.

Uses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.commonapi

Subclasses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.commonapi
 class PastryEndpoint
          This class serves as gluecode, which allows applications written for the common API to work with pastry.

Uses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.direct

Methods in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type PastryAppl
 void DirectPastryNode.connect(NodeHandle remoteNode, AppSocketReceiver receiver, PastryAppl appl, int timeout)

Uses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging that return PastryAppl
 PastryAppl MessageDispatch.getDestination(Message msg)
          Gets the Destination attribute of the MessageDispatch object
 PastryAppl MessageDispatch.getDestinationByAddress(int addr)
          Gets the DestinationByAddress attribute of the MessageDispatch object

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging with parameters of type PastryAppl
 void MessageDispatch.registerReceiver(int address, PastryAppl receiver)
          Registers a receiver with the mail service.

Uses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.socket

Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type PastryAppl
 void SocketPastryNode.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, PastryAppl appl, int timeout)

Uses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.standard

Subclasses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.standard
 class ConsistentJoinProtocol
          Does not setReady until contacting entire leafset which gossips new members.
 class PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
          An implementation of a periodic-style leafset protocol
 class StandardJoinProtocol
          An implementation of a simple join protocol.
 class StandardLeafSetProtocol
          An implementation of a simple leaf set protocol.
 class StandardRouter
          An implementation of the standard Pastry routing algorithm.
 class StandardRouteSetProtocol
          An implementation of a simple route set protocol.

Uses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.testing

Subclasses of PastryAppl in rice.pastry.testing
 class HelloWorldApp
          A hello world example for pastry.
 class Ping
          Ping A performance test suite for pastry.
 class PingClient
          A very simple ping object.
 class RegrTestApp
          RegrTestApp A regression test suite for pastry.

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.
