Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use PastryNode

Uses of PastryNode in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing

Constructors in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing with parameters of type PastryNode
MySplitStreamClient(PastryNode n, java.lang.String instance)
          Constructor for MySplitStreamClient.

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry

Fields in rice.pastry declared as PastryNode
protected  PastryNode NodeHandle.localnode
protected  PastryNode ScheduledMessage.localNode

Methods in rice.pastry that return PastryNode
 PastryNode NodeHandle.getLocalNode()
          Accessor method.
abstract  PastryNode PastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Call this to construct a new node of the type chosen by the factory.
abstract  PastryNode PastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Call this to construct a new node of the type chosen by the factory, with the given nodeId.
 PastryNode ScheduledMessage.getLocalNode()
          Gets the LocalNode attribute of the ScheduledMessage object

Constructors in rice.pastry with parameters of type PastryNode
ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage(PastryNode node, Message msg, Timer timer, long delay, long initialPeriod, double expBase)
ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage(PastryNode node, Message msg, Timer timer, long initialDelay, double expBase)
          Constructor for ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage.
ScheduledMessage(PastryNode pn, Message msg)

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.client

Fields in rice.pastry.client declared as PastryNode
protected  PastryNode PastryAppl.thePastryNode

Constructors in rice.pastry.client with parameters of type PastryNode
CommonAPIAppl(PastryNode pn)
CommonAPIAppl(PastryNode pn, java.lang.String instance)
PastryAppl(PastryNode pn)
PastryAppl(PastryNode pn, java.lang.String instance)
PastryAppl(PastryNode pn, java.lang.String instance, int address, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor for PastryAppl.
PastryAppl(PastryNode pn, int port)

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.commonapi

Constructors in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type PastryNode
PastryEndpoint(PastryNode pn, Application application, java.lang.String instance, boolean register)
PastryEndpoint(PastryNode pn, Application application, java.lang.String instance, int address, boolean register)

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.direct

Subclasses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.direct
 class DirectPastryNode
          Direct pastry node.

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return PastryNode
 PastryNode DirectPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Manufacture a new Pastry node.
 PastryNode DirectPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Manufacture a new Pastry node.

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.dist

Subclasses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.dist
 class DistPastryNode
          Class which represents the abstraction of a "real" pastry node.

Methods in rice.pastry.dist that return PastryNode
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Generates a new pastry node with a random NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress proxy)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, java.net.InetSocketAddress proxy)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.messaging

Fields in rice.pastry.messaging declared as PastryNode
protected  PastryNode JavaSerializedDeserializer.pn
protected  PastryNode MessageDispatch.localNode
protected  PastryNode PastryObjectInputStream.node

Constructors in rice.pastry.messaging with parameters of type PastryNode
JavaSerializedDeserializer(PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for JavaSerializedDeserializer.
MessageDispatch(PastryNode pn)
PJavaSerializedDeserializer(PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for PJavaSerializedDeserializer.
PastryObjectInputStream(java.io.InputStream stream, PastryNode node)

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.routing

Methods in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type PastryNode
static RouteMessage RouteMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, PastryNode pn)
          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + int auxAddress + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + Id target + + + + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + NodeHandle prev + + (used to repair routing table during routing) + + + ...

Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type PastryNode
RouteMessage(Id target, int auxAddress, NodeHandle prev, InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for RouteMessage.

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.socket

Subclasses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.socket
 class SocketPastryNode
          An Socket-based Pastry node, which has two threads - one thread for performing route set and leaf set maintainance, and another thread for listening on the sockets and performing all non-blocking I/O.

Methods in rice.pastry.socket that return PastryNode
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, java.net.InetSocketAddress proxy)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress pAddress)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress pAddress, boolean throwException)

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.standard

Fields in rice.pastry.standard declared as PastryNode
protected  PastryNode PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.localNode

Constructors in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type PastryNode
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls)
          Constructor for ConsistentJoinProtocol.
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor takes in the usual suspects.
PartitionHandler(PastryNode pn, DistPastryNodeFactory factory, java.net.InetSocketAddress[] bootstraps)
          Constructor for PartitionHandler.
PeriodicLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle local, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
          Builds a periodic leafset protocol
PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.PLSPMessageDeserializer(PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for PLSPMessageDeserializer.
StandardJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls)
StandardJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor for StandardJoinProtocol.
StandardLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle local, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
          Constructor for StandardLeafSetProtocol.
StandardRouteSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, RoutingTable rt, Environment env)
StandardRouteSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, RoutingTable rt, Environment env, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor for StandardRouteSetProtocol.
StandardRouter(PastryNode thePastryNode)

Uses of PastryNode in rice.pastry.testing

Methods in rice.pastry.testing that return PastryNode
 PastryNode DistHelloWorld.makePastryNode(boolean firstNode)
          Create a Pastry node and add it to pastryNodes.
protected  PastryNode PastryRegrTest.generateNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
 PastryNode RegrTestApp.getPastryNode()
          Gets the PastryNode attribute of the RegrTestApp object
 PastryNode SinglePingTest.makePastryNode()

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type PastryNode
protected  void DirectPastryRegrTest.registerapp(PastryNode pn, RegrTestApp app)
          wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread
protected  void DirectPastryRegrTest.killNode(PastryNode pn)
          murder the node.
protected  void DistPastryRegrTest.registerapp(PastryNode pn, RegrTestApp app)
          wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread
protected  void DistPastryRegrTest.killNode(PastryNode pn)
protected abstract  void PastryRegrTest.registerapp(PastryNode pn, RegrTestApp app)
          wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread
protected abstract  void PastryRegrTest.killNode(PastryNode pn)
          kill a given node.

Constructors in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type PastryNode
HelloWorldApp(PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for HelloWorldApp.
Ping(PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for Ping.
PingClient(PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for PingClient.
RegrTestApp(PastryNode pn, PastryRegrTest prg)
          Constructor for RegrTestApp.

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.
