Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeHandle

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing that return NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle CommonAPITest.getBootstrap()
          Gets a handle to a bootstrap node.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.p2p.multiring.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring.testing that return NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle MultiringRegrTest.getBootstrap(Node bootstrap)
          Gets a handle to a bootstrap node.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry

Fields in rice.pastry declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle PastryNode.localhandle

Methods in rice.pastry that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle NodeHandleFactory.readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)
 NodeHandle NodeSet.get(Id nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with a NodeId.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.get(int i)
          Gets the ith element in the set.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.remove(Id nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.remove(NodeHandle handle)
          remove a member
 NodeHandle NodeSetI.get(Id nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 NodeHandle NodeSetI.get(int i)
          Gets the ith element in the set.
 NodeHandle NodeSetI.remove(NodeHandle nh)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeHandle NodeSetUpdate.handle()
          The handle that changed.
 NodeHandle PastryNode.getLocalHandle()
          Gets the LocalHandle attribute of the PastryNode object
abstract  NodeHandle PastryNode.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)
 NodeHandle PastryNodeFactory.getNearest(NodeHandle local, NodeHandle seed)
          This method implements the algorithm in the Pastry locality paper for finding a close node the the current node through iterative leafset and route row requests.

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type NodeHandle
 int NodeSet.getIndex(NodeHandle nh)
          Gets the Index attribute of the NodeSet object
 boolean NodeSet.put(NodeHandle handle)
          Appends a member to the ordered set.
 boolean NodeSet.insert(int index, NodeHandle handle)
          insert a member at the given index
 NodeHandle NodeSet.remove(NodeHandle handle)
          remove a member
 int NodeSet.indexOf(NodeHandle handle)
          determine rank of a member
 boolean NodeSet.member(NodeHandle handle)
          test membership
 boolean NodeSetI.put(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
 boolean NodeSetI.member(NodeHandle nh)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 NodeHandle NodeSetI.remove(NodeHandle nh)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 int NodeSetI.getIndex(NodeHandle nh)
          Gets the Index attribute of the NodeSetI object
 void NodeSetListener.nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource nodeSetEventSource, NodeHandle handle, boolean added)
 void PastryNode.setElements(NodeHandle lh, MessageDispatch md, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
          Combined accessor method for various members of PastryNode.
abstract  NodeHandle PastryNode.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)
abstract  void PastryNode.initiateJoin(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Overridden by derived classes to initiate the join process
abstract  void PastryNode.send(NodeHandle handle, Message message)
abstract  void PastryNode.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, PastryAppl appl, int timeout)
          Called by PastryAppl to ask the transport layer to open a Socket to its counterpart on another node.
abstract  LeafSet PastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle)
          This method returns the remote leafset of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
abstract  CancellableTask PastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle, Continuation c)
          Non-blocking version.
abstract  RouteSet[] PastryNodeFactory.getRouteRow(NodeHandle handle, int row)
          This method returns the remote route row of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
abstract  CancellableTask PastryNodeFactory.getRouteRow(NodeHandle handle, int row, Continuation c)
          Non-blocking version.
abstract  int PastryNodeFactory.getProximity(NodeHandle local, NodeHandle handle)
          This method determines and returns the proximity of the current local node the provided NodeHandle.
 NodeHandle PastryNodeFactory.getNearest(NodeHandle local, NodeHandle seed)
          This method implements the algorithm in the Pastry locality paper for finding a close node the the current node through iterative leafset and route row requests.
abstract  PastryNode PastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Call this to construct a new node of the type chosen by the factory.
abstract  PastryNode PastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Call this to construct a new node of the type chosen by the factory, with the given nodeId.
protected  int PastryNodeFactory.proximity(NodeHandle local, NodeHandle handle)
          Method which checks to see if we have a cached value of the remote ping, and if not, initiates a ping and then caches the value

Constructors in rice.pastry with parameters of type NodeHandle
NodeSetUpdate(NodeHandle which, boolean how)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.client

Methods in rice.pastry.client that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle PastryAppl.getNodeHandle()
          Gets the handle of the Pastry node associated with this client

Methods in rice.pastry.client with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void CommonAPIAppl.route(Id key, Message msg, NodeHandle hint)
          This operation forwards a message towards the root of key.
 IdRange CommonAPIAppl.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key, boolean cumulative)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 IdRange CommonAPIAppl.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 void CommonAPIAppl.update(NodeHandle nh, boolean joined)
          Called by pastry when the neighbor set changes.
 void CommonAPIAppl.leafSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
          Called by pastry when the leaf set changes.
 boolean PastryAppl.routeMsgDirect(NodeHandle dest, Message msg, SendOptions opt)
          Sends a message to the Pastry node identified by dest.
 boolean PastryAppl.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
          Called by pastry when a message is enroute and is passing through this node.
 void PastryAppl.leafSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
          Called by pastry when the leaf set changes.
 void PastryAppl.routeSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
          Called by pastry when the route set changes.
 void PastryAppl.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, int timeout)
          Called to open an ApplicationLevelSocket

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.commonapi

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void PastryEndpoint.leafSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)

Constructors in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type NodeHandle
PastryEndpointMessage(int address, Message message, NodeHandle sender)
PastryEndpointMessage(int address, RawMessage message, NodeHandle sender)
          Constructor for PastryEndpointMessage.
PastryEndpointMessage(int address, InputBuffer buf, MessageDeserializer md, NodeHandle sender)
          Constructor for PastryEndpointMessage.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.direct

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.direct
 class DirectNodeHandle
          the node handle used with the direct network

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle DirectPastryNode.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)
 NodeHandle DirectPastryNode.readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)

Methods in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void DirectPastryNode.doneNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
 void DirectPastryNode.initiateJoin(NodeHandle bootstrap)
 void DirectPastryNode.initiateJoin(NodeHandle[] bootstrap)
          Sends an InitiateJoin message to itself.
 NodeHandle DirectPastryNode.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)
 void DirectPastryNode.send(NodeHandle handle, Message message)
 void DirectPastryNode.connect(NodeHandle remoteNode, AppSocketReceiver receiver, PastryAppl appl, int timeout)
 LeafSet DirectPastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle)
          This method returns the remote leafset of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
 CancellableTask DirectPastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle, Continuation c)
          Gets the LeafSet attribute of the DirectPastryNodeFactory object
 RouteSet[] DirectPastryNodeFactory.getRouteRow(NodeHandle handle, int row)
          This method returns the remote route row of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
 CancellableTask DirectPastryNodeFactory.getRouteRow(NodeHandle handle, int row, Continuation c)
          Gets the RouteRow attribute of the DirectPastryNodeFactory object
 int DirectPastryNodeFactory.getProximity(NodeHandle local, NodeHandle remote)
          This method determines and returns the proximity of the current local node the provided NodeHandle.
 PastryNode DirectPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Manufacture a new Pastry node.
 PastryNode DirectPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Manufacture a new Pastry node.
protected  int DirectPastryNodeFactory.proximity(NodeHandle local, NodeHandle handle)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.dist

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.dist
 class DistNodeHandle
          Abstract class for handles to "real" remote nodes.

Methods in rice.pastry.dist that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle DistPastryNodeFactory.getNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
          Method which a client should use in order to get a bootstrap node from the factory.
 NodeHandle DistPastryNodeFactory.getNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress address, int timeout)
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the DistPastryNodeFactory object
 NodeHandle DistPastryNodeFactory.getNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress[] addresses)
          Method which a client should use in order to get a bootstrap node from the factory.
 NodeHandle DistPastryNodeFactory.getNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress[] addresses, int timeoutMillis)
          Gets the NodeHandle attribute of the DistPastryNodeFactory object
abstract  NodeHandle DistPastryNodeFactory.generateNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress address, int timeout)
          Method which all subclasses should implement allowing the client to generate a node handle given the address of a node.

Methods in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void DistPastryNode.initiateJoin(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Sends an InitiateJoin message to itself.
 void DistPastryNode.doneNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Called after the node is initialized.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Generates a new pastry node with a random NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress proxy)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, java.net.InetSocketAddress proxy)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.join

Methods in rice.pastry.join that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle InitiateJoin.getHandle()
          Gets the handle for the join.
 NodeHandle JoinRequest.getHandle()
          Gets the handle of the node trying to join.
 NodeHandle JoinRequest.getJoinHandle()
          Gets the handle of the node that accepted the join request;

Methods in rice.pastry.join with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void JoinRequest.acceptJoin(NodeHandle nh, LeafSet ls)
          Accept join request.

Constructors in rice.pastry.join with parameters of type NodeHandle
InitiateJoin(NodeHandle nh)
InitiateJoin(NodeHandle[] nh)
          Constructor for InitiateJoin.
InitiateJoin(java.util.Date stamp, NodeHandle[] nh)
JoinRequest(NodeHandle nh, byte rtBaseBitLength)
JoinRequest(NodeHandle nh, java.util.Date stamp, byte rtBaseBitLength)
JoinRequest(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, NodeHandle sender)
          Constructor for JoinRequest.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.leafset

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle BroadcastLeafSet.from()
          Returns the node id of the node that broadcast its leaf set.
 NodeHandle LeafSet.get(int index)
          Finds the NodeHandle at a given index.
 NodeHandle LeafSet.remove(NodeHandle nh)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeHandle RequestLeafSet.returnHandle()
          The return handle for the message
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.get(Id nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the Id.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.get(NodeHandle nh)
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.get(int i)
          Gets the ith element in the set.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.remove(Id nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.remove(NodeHandle nh)
protected  NodeHandle SimilarSet.remove(int i)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type NodeHandle
 int LeafSet.getIndex(NodeHandle nh)
          Gets the Index attribute of the LeafSet object
protected  boolean LeafSet.isProperlyRemoved(NodeHandle handle)
          Gets the ProperlyRemoved attribute of the LeafSet object
 boolean LeafSet.put(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
 boolean LeafSet.test(NodeHandle handle)
          Test if a put of the given NodeHandle would succeed.
 boolean LeafSet.member(NodeHandle nid)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular handle.
 NodeHandle LeafSet.remove(NodeHandle nh)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 IdRange LeafSet.range(NodeHandle n, int r)
          range computes the range of keys for which node n is a i-root, 0<=i<=r a node is the r-root for a key of the node becomes the numerically closest node to the key when i-roots for the key fail, O<=i
 IdRange LeafSet.range(NodeHandle n, int r, boolean cw)
          range computes the ranges of keys for which node n is a r-root a node is the r-root for a key of the node becomes the numerically closest node to the key when i-roots for the key fail, O<=i
 boolean LeafSet.merge(LeafSet remotels, NodeHandle from, RoutingTable routeTable, boolean testOnly, java.util.Set insertedHandles)
          Merge a remote leafset into this
protected  boolean LeafSet.testOtherSet(SimilarSet set, NodeHandle handle)
          A unit test for JUnit
 boolean LeafSet.directTest(NodeHandle handle)
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.get(NodeHandle nh)
 int SimilarSet.getIndex(NodeHandle nh)
          Gets the Index attribute of the SimilarSet object
 boolean SimilarSet.test(NodeHandle handle)
          Test if a NodeHandle belongs into the set.
 boolean SimilarSet.put(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
 boolean SimilarSet.member(NodeHandle nid)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.remove(NodeHandle nh)

Constructors in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type NodeHandle
BroadcastLeafSet(NodeHandle from, LeafSet leafSet, int type)
BroadcastLeafSet(java.util.Date stamp, NodeHandle from, LeafSet leafSet, int type)
LeafSet(NodeHandle localNode, int size)
LeafSet(NodeHandle localNode, int size, boolean observe)
          Constructor for LeafSet.
LeafSet(NodeHandle localNode, int size, boolean observe, NodeHandle[] cwTable, NodeHandle[] ccwTable)
          Constructor for LeafSet.
RequestLeafSet(NodeHandle nh)
RequestLeafSet(java.util.Date stamp, NodeHandle nh)
RequestLeafSet(NodeHandle sender, InputBuffer buf)
          Constructor for RequestLeafSet.
SimilarSet(LeafSet leafSet, NodeHandle localNode, int size, boolean cw)
SimilarSet(LeafSet leafSet, NodeHandle localNode, int size, boolean cw, NodeHandle[] handles)
          Constructor for SimilarSet.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle Message.getSender()
          Get sender.

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void Message.setSender(NodeHandle nh)
          Set sender Id.
abstract  Message PJavaSerializedDeserializer.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, short type, byte priority, NodeHandle sender)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.routing

Fields in rice.pastry.routing declared as NodeHandle
 NodeHandle RouteMessage.nextHop
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.myNodeHandle

Methods in rice.pastry.routing that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle BroadcastRouteRow.from()
          Gets the from node.
 NodeHandle RequestRouteRow.returnHandle()
          The return handle for the message
 NodeHandle RouteMessage.getPrevNode()
          Gets the PrevNode attribute of the RouteMessage object
 NodeHandle RouteMessage.getNextHop()
          Gets the NextHop attribute of the RouteMessage object
 NodeHandle RouteSet.get(int i)
          Returns the node in the ith position in the set.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.get(Id nid)
          Returns the node handle with the matching node id or null if none exists.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.remove(Id nid)
          Removes a node from a set.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.remove(NodeHandle nh)
          Removes a node from a set.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.closestNode()
          Return the closest live node in the set.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.closestNode(int minLiveness)
          Return the closest live node in the set.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.get(Id nid)
          Gets the node handle associated with a given id.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.bestAlternateRoute(Id key)
          Determines an alternate hop numerically closer to the key than the one we are at.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.bestAlternateRoute(int minLiveness, Id key)
          Determines an alternate hop numerically closer to the key than the one we are at.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.remove(NodeHandle nh)
          Removes a node id from the table.

Methods in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void RouteMessage.setPrevNode(NodeHandle n)
          Sets the PrevNode attribute of the RouteMessage object
 void RouteMessage.setNextHop(NodeHandle nh)
          Sets the NextHop attribute of the RouteMessage object
 boolean RouteMessage.routeMessage(NodeHandle localHandle)
          Routes the messages if the next hop has been set up.
 int RouteSet.getIndex(NodeHandle nh)
          Get the index of the node id.
 boolean RouteSet.put(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a node into the set.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.remove(NodeHandle nh)
          Removes a node from a set.
 boolean RouteSet.member(NodeHandle nh)
          Membership test.
 void RoutingTable.put(NodeHandle handle)
          Puts a handle into the routing table.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.remove(NodeHandle nh)
          Removes a node id from the table.
 void RoutingTable.nodeSetUpdate(java.lang.Object o, NodeHandle handle, boolean added)
          Is called by the Observer pattern whenever a RouteSet in this table has changed.

Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type NodeHandle
BroadcastRouteRow(java.util.Date stamp, NodeHandle from, RouteSet[] r)
BroadcastRouteRow(NodeHandle from, RouteSet[] r)
RequestRouteRow(NodeHandle nh, byte r)
RequestRouteRow(java.util.Date stamp, NodeHandle nh, byte r)
RequestRouteRow(NodeHandle sender, InputBuffer buf)
          Constructor for RequestRouteRow.
RouteMessage(NodeHandle dest, Message msg, SendOptions opts)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, NodeHandle firstHop)
RouteMessage(Id target, PRawMessage msg, NodeHandle firstHop, SendOptions opts)
          Constructor for RouteMessage.
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, NodeHandle firstHop, SendOptions opts)
RouteMessage(Id target, int auxAddress, NodeHandle prev, InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for RouteMessage.
RoutingTable(NodeHandle me, int max, byte base, Environment env)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.socket

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.socket
 class SocketNodeHandle
          Class which represents the address and nodeId of a remote node.

Methods in rice.pastry.socket that return NodeHandle
 NodeHandle SocketPastryNode.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)
 NodeHandle SocketPastryNode.readNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf)
 NodeHandle SocketPastryNodeFactory.generateNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress address, int timeout)
          Way to generate a NodeHandle with a maximum timeout to receive the result.
 NodeHandle SocketPastryNodeFactory.generateNodeHandle(java.net.InetSocketAddress address)
          Method which contructs a node handle (using the socket protocol) for the node at address NodeHandle.
 NodeHandle SocketSourceRouteManager.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)

Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void SocketPastryNode.doneNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Called after the node is initialized.
 NodeHandle SocketPastryNode.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)
 void SocketPastryNode.send(NodeHandle handle, Message message)
 void SocketPastryNode.connect(NodeHandle handle, AppSocketReceiver receiver, PastryAppl appl, int timeout)
 SourceRoute[] SocketPastryNodeFactory.getRoutes(NodeHandle handle, NodeHandle local)
          This method returns the routes a remote node is using
 LeafSet SocketPastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle)
          This method returns the remote leafset of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
 CancellableTask SocketPastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle, Continuation c)
          Gets the LeafSet attribute of the SocketPastryNodeFactory object
 RouteSet[] SocketPastryNodeFactory.getRouteRow(NodeHandle handle, int row)
          This method returns the remote route row of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
 CancellableTask SocketPastryNodeFactory.getRouteRow(NodeHandle handle, int row, Continuation c)
          Gets the RouteRow attribute of the SocketPastryNodeFactory object
 int SocketPastryNodeFactory.getProximity(NodeHandle local, NodeHandle handle)
          This method determines and returns the proximity of the current local node to the provided NodeHandle.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, java.net.InetSocketAddress proxy)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress pAddress)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress pAddress, boolean throwException)
 NodeHandle SocketSourceRouteManager.coalesce(NodeHandle newHandle)

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.standard

Fields in rice.pastry.standard declared as NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.localHandle
protected  NodeHandle StandardJoinProtocol.localHandle

Methods in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type NodeHandle
 void ConsistentJoinProtocol.addToLeafSet(NodeHandle nh)
          Observes all NodeHandles added to LeafSet
 void ConsistentJoinProtocol.sendTheMessage(NodeHandle nh, boolean reply)
          Sends a consistent join protocol message.
 void ConsistentJoinProtocol.nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource set, NodeHandle handle, boolean added)
 void PartitionHandler.nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource nodeSetEventSource, NodeHandle handle, boolean added)
 Message PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.PLSPMessageDeserializer.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, short type, byte priority, NodeHandle sender)
protected  boolean StandardLeafSetProtocol.checkLeafSet(LeafSet remotels, NodeHandle from, boolean notifyMissing)
          Checks a received leafset advertisement for missing nodes
protected  boolean StandardLeafSetProtocol.mergeLeafSet(LeafSet remotels, NodeHandle from)
          Merge a remote leafset into our own
protected  void StandardLeafSetProtocol.broadcast(LeafSet ls, NodeHandle from)
          Broadcast the local leaf set to all members of the given leaf set, plus the node from which the leaf set was received.

Constructors in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type NodeHandle
ConsistentJoinMsg(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, NodeHandle sender)
          Constructor for ConsistentJoinMsg.
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls)
          Constructor for ConsistentJoinProtocol.
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor takes in the usual suspects.
PeriodicLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle local, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
          Builds a periodic leafset protocol
StandardJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls)
StandardJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor for StandardJoinProtocol.
StandardLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle local, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
          Constructor for StandardLeafSetProtocol.

Uses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.testing

Subclasses of NodeHandle in rice.pastry.testing
static class LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle

Methods in rice.pastry.testing that return NodeHandle
protected  NodeHandle ClosestRegrTest.getBootstrap()
          Get pastryNodes.last() to bootstrap with, or return null.
protected  NodeHandle DirectPastryRegrTest.getBootstrap(boolean firstNode)
          Get pastryNodes.last() to bootstrap with, or return null.
protected  NodeHandle DistHelloWorld.getBootstrap(boolean firstNode)
          Gets a handle to a bootstrap node.
protected  NodeHandle DistPastryRegrTest.getBootstrap(boolean firstNode)
          Gets a handle to a bootstrap node.
protected abstract  NodeHandle PastryRegrTest.getBootstrap(boolean firstNode)
          get a node handle to bootstrap from.

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
protected  boolean DirectPastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(NodeHandle nh)
          get authoritative information about liveness of node.
 boolean DistPastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(NodeHandle nh)
          Gets the ReallyAlive attribute of the DistPastryRegrTest object
 boolean HelloWorldApp.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
          Invoked on intermediate nodes in routing path.
 void HelloWorldApp.leafSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
          Invoked upon change to leafset.
 void HelloWorldApp.routeSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
          Invoked upon change to routing table.
protected abstract  boolean PastryRegrTest.isReallyAlive(NodeHandle nh)
          determine whether this node is really alive.
protected  PastryNode PastryRegrTest.generateNode(NodeHandle bootstrap)
 boolean Ping.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id from, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 void Ping.leafSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
 void Ping.routeSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
 boolean PingClient.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id from, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 void PingClient.leafSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
 void PingClient.routeSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
 void RegrTestApp.update(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
 void RegrTestApp.routeSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)

Constructors in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type NodeHandle
HelloMsg(int addr, NodeHandle src, Id tgt, int mid)
          Constructor for HelloMsg.
PingMessageNew(int pingAddress, NodeHandle src, Id tgt)
          Constructor for PingMessageNew.

Rice Pastry API

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