Rice Pastry API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Id

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.aggregation

Fields in rice.p2p.aggregation declared as Id
protected  Id[] Aggregate.pointers
protected  Id Aggregate.myId
protected  Id AggregateHandle.id
protected  Id AggregateList.rootKey
 Id ObjectDescriptor.key

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation that return Id
 Id Aggregate.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the Aggregate object
 Id[] Aggregate.getPointers()
          Gets the Pointers attribute of the Aggregate object
 Id AggregateHandle.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the AggregateHandle object
 Id AggregateList.getRoot()
          Gets the Root attribute of the AggregateList object
 Id[] AggregateList.getSomePointers(int referenceThreshold, int max, Id[] excludes)
          Gets the SomePointers attribute of the AggregateList object

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation with parameters of type Id
 void Aggregate.setId(Id myId)
          Sets the Id attribute of the Aggregate object
 PastContent Aggregate.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
 Aggregate AggregateFactory.buildAggregate(GCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)
 Aggregate AggregateFactory.buildAggregate(RawGCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)
 rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateDescriptor AggregateList.getADC(Id id)
          Gets the ADC attribute of the AggregateList object
 Id[] AggregateList.getSomePointers(int referenceThreshold, int max, Id[] excludes)
          Gets the SomePointers attribute of the AggregateList object
 void AggregateList.setRoot(Id root)
          Sets the Root attribute of the AggregateList object
 void AggregateList.recalculateReferenceCounts(Id[] excludes)
 void Aggregation.flush(Id id, Continuation command)
          Creates an aggregate that includes the most current object with the specified key.
 void Aggregation.rollback(Id id, Continuation command)
          Attempts to retrieve the most recent object that has been inserted by the local node under the specified key.
 void AggregationImpl.refresh(Id[] ids, long expiration, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.refresh(Id[] ids, long[] expirations, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.refresh(Id[] ids, long[] versions, long[] expirations, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.lookup(Id id, boolean cache, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.lookup(Id id, long version, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.lookup(Id id, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.lookupHandles(Id id, long version, int max, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.lookupHandles(Id id, int max, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.flush(Id id, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.rollback(Id id, Continuation command)
 void AggregationImpl.deliver(Id id, Message message)
 Aggregate JavaSerializedAggregateFactory.buildAggregate(GCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)
 Aggregate JavaSerializedAggregateFactory.buildAggregate(RawGCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)
 void Moraine.lookup(Id id, Continuation command)
 void Moraine.lookup(Id id, boolean cache, Continuation command)
 void Moraine.lookupHandles(Id id, int max, Continuation command)
 void Moraine.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
 void Moraine.refresh(Id[] ids, long[] expirations, Continuation command)
 void Moraine.refresh(Id[] ids, long expiration, Continuation command)
 void Moraine.lookup(Id id, long version, Continuation command)
 void Moraine.lookupHandles(Id id, long version, int num, Continuation command)
 void Moraine.refresh(Id[] ids, long[] versions, long[] expirations, Continuation command)

Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation with parameters of type Id
Aggregate(GCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)
          Constructor for Aggregate.
AggregateHandle(NodeHandle handle, Id id, long version, long expiration)
          Constructor for AggregateHandle.
ObjectDescriptor(Id key, long version, long currentLifetime, long refreshedLifetime, int size)
          Constructor for ObjectDescriptor.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging declared as Id
protected  Id AggregationMessage.dest

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging that return Id
 Id AggregationMessage.getDestination()
          Method which returns this messages' destination address
 Id NonAggregate.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the NonAggregate object

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging with parameters of type Id
 PastContent NonAggregate.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)

Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging with parameters of type Id
AggregationMessage(int id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.aggregation.raw

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation.raw with parameters of type Id
 Aggregate RawAggregateFactory.buildAggregate(GCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)
 Aggregate RawAggregateFactory.buildAggregate(RawGCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)

Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation.raw with parameters of type Id
RawAggregate(GCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)
          Constructor for RawAggregate.
RawAggregate(RawGCPastContent[] components, Id[] pointers)
          Constructor for RawAggregate.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.commonapi

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi that return Id
 Id Endpoint.getId()
          Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
 Id Endpoint.readId(InputBuffer buf, short type)
          To use a more efficient serialization format than Java Serialization
 Id Id.addToId(Id.Distance offset)
          Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
 Id IdFactory.buildId(byte[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id IdFactory.buildId(int[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id IdFactory.buildId(java.lang.String string)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
 Id IdFactory.buildRandomId(java.util.Random rng)
          Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
 Id IdFactory.buildRandomId(RandomSource rng)
 Id IdFactory.buildIdFromToString(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
 Id IdFactory.buildIdFromToString(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
          Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
 Id IdRange.getCCWId()
          get counterclockwise edge of range
 Id IdRange.getCWId()
          get clockwise edge of range
 Id[] IdSet.asArray()
          return this set as an array
 Id Node.getId()
          Returns the Id of this node
abstract  Id NodeHandle.getId()
          Returns this node's id.
 Id RouteMessage.getDestinationId()
          Returns the destination Id for this message

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi with parameters of type Id
 void Application.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
 void Endpoint.route(Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
 void Endpoint.route(Id id, RawMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
          Same as the other call, but uses the Raw serialization rather than java serialization.
 NodeHandleSet Endpoint.localLookup(Id id, int num, boolean safe)
          This call produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards the given id, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
 NodeHandleSet Endpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank)
          This method returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 NodeHandleSet Endpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 IdRange Endpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange Endpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 boolean Id.isBetween(Id ccw, Id cw)
          Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
 boolean Id.clockwise(Id nid)
          Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
 Id.Distance Id.distanceFromId(Id nid)
          Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
 Id.Distance Id.longDistanceFromId(Id nid)
          Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
 IdRange IdFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 boolean IdRange.containsId(Id key)
          test if a given key lies within this range
 void IdSet.addId(Id id)
          add a member
 void IdSet.removeId(Id id)
          remove a member
 boolean IdSet.isMemberId(Id id)
          test membership
 NodeHandle NodeHandleSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 boolean NodeHandleSet.memberHandle(Id id)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 NodeHandle NodeHandleSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 int NodeHandleSet.getIndexHandle(Id id)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 void RouteMessage.setDestinationId(Id id)
          Sets the destination Id for this message

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.glacier

Classes in rice.p2p.glacier that implement Id
 class FragmentKey
 class VersionKey

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier declared as Id
protected  Id VersionKey.id

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier that return Id
 Id FragmentKey.addToId(Id.Distance offset)
          Adds a feature to the ToId attribute of the FragmentKey object
 Id FragmentKeyFactory.buildId(byte[] material)
 Id FragmentKeyFactory.buildId(int[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id FragmentKeyFactory.buildId(java.lang.String string)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
 Id FragmentKeyFactory.buildRandomId(java.util.Random rng)
          Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
 Id FragmentKeyFactory.buildRandomId(RandomSource rng)
 Id FragmentKeyFactory.buildIdFromToString(java.lang.String string)
 Id FragmentKeyFactory.buildIdFromToString(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
 Id FragmentKeyRange.getCCWId()
          get counterclockwise edge of range
 Id FragmentKeyRange.getCWId()
          get clockwise edge of range
 Id[] FragmentKeySet.asArray()
          return this set as an array
 Id VersionKey.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the VersionKey object
 Id VersionKey.addToId(Id.Distance offset)
          Adds a feature to the ToId attribute of the VersionKey object
 Id VersionKeyFactory.buildId(byte[] material)
 Id VersionKeyFactory.buildId(int[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id VersionKeyFactory.buildId(java.lang.String string)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
 Id VersionKeyFactory.buildRandomId(java.util.Random rng)
          Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
 Id VersionKeyFactory.buildRandomId(RandomSource rng)
 Id VersionKeyFactory.buildIdFromToString(java.lang.String string)
 Id VersionKeyFactory.buildIdFromToString(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
 Id VersionKeyRange.getCCWId()
          get counterclockwise edge of range
 Id VersionKeyRange.getCWId()
          get clockwise edge of range
 Id[] VersionKeySet.asArray()
          return this set as an array

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier with parameters of type Id
 boolean FragmentKey.isBetween(Id ccw, Id cw)
          Gets the Between attribute of the FragmentKey object
 Id.Distance FragmentKey.longDistanceFromId(Id nid)
 Id.Distance FragmentKey.distanceFromId(Id nid)
 boolean FragmentKey.clockwise(Id nid)
 IdRange FragmentKeyFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 boolean FragmentKeyRange.containsId(Id key)
          test if a given key lies within this range
 boolean FragmentKeySet.isMember(Id id)
          test membership
 boolean FragmentKeySet.isMemberId(Id id)
          test membership
 void FragmentKeySet.addMember(Id id)
          add a member
 void FragmentKeySet.removeMember(Id id)
          remove a member
 FragmentKeySet FragmentKeySet.subSet(Id from, Id to)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
 void FragmentKeySet.addId(Id id)
          add a member
 void FragmentKeySet.removeId(Id id)
          remove a member
 boolean VersionKey.isBetween(Id ccw, Id cw)
          Gets the Between attribute of the VersionKey object
 Id.Distance VersionKey.longDistanceFromId(Id nid)
 Id.Distance VersionKey.distanceFromId(Id nid)
 boolean VersionKey.clockwise(Id nid)
 IdRange VersionKeyFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 boolean VersionKeyRange.containsId(Id key)
          test if a given key lies within this range
 boolean VersionKeySet.isMember(Id id)
          test membership
 boolean VersionKeySet.isMemberId(Id id)
          test membership
 void VersionKeySet.addMember(Id id)
          add a member
 void VersionKeySet.removeMember(Id id)
          remove a member
 VersionKeySet VersionKeySet.subSet(Id from, Id to)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
 void VersionKeySet.addId(Id id)
          add a member
 void VersionKeySet.removeId(Id id)
          remove a member
 void VersioningPast.lookup(Id id, long version, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID and the specified version.
 void VersioningPast.lookupHandles(Id id, long version, int num, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handles of up to max replicas of the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
 void VersioningPast.refresh(Id[] ids, long[] versions, long[] expirations, Continuation command)
          Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier with parameters of type Id
VersionKey(Id id, long version)
          Constructor for VersionKey.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.glacier.v2

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 declared as Id
protected  Id DebugContent.myId
protected  Id DebugContentHandle.myId
protected  Id GlacierContentHandle.id

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 that return Id
 Id DebugContent.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the DebugContent object
 Id DebugContentHandle.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the DebugContentHandle object
 Id GlacierContentHandle.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the GlacierContentHandle object
 Id[][] GlacierImpl.getNeighborRanges()
          Gets the NeighborRanges attribute of the GlacierImpl object

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 with parameters of type Id
 PastContent DebugContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
 void GlacierImpl.sendMessage(Id id, GlacierMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
 void GlacierImpl.refresh(Id[] ids, long[] expirations, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.refresh(Id[] ids, long expiration, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.refresh(Id[] ids, long[] versions, long[] expirations, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.neighborSeen(Id nodeId, long when)
 void GlacierImpl.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.lookupHandles(Id id, int num, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.lookupHandles(Id id, long version, int num, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.lookup(Id id, long version, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.lookup(Id id, boolean cache, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.lookup(Id id, Continuation command)
 void GlacierImpl.deliver(Id id, Message message)

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 with parameters of type Id
DebugContent(Id id, boolean isMutable, long version, byte[] payload)
          Constructor for DebugContent.
GlacierContentHandle(Id id, long version, NodeHandle nodeHandle, Manifest manifest)
          Constructor for GlacierContentHandle.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging declared as Id
protected  Id GlacierMessage.dest
protected  Id[] GlacierNeighborResponseMessage.neighbors
protected  Id GlacierRefreshProbeMessage.requestedId

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging that return Id
 Id GlacierMessage.getDestination()
          Method which returns this messages' destination address
 Id GlacierNeighborResponseMessage.getNeighbor(int index)
          Gets the Neighbor attribute of the GlacierNeighborResponseMessage object
 Id GlacierRefreshProbeMessage.getRequestedId()
          Gets the RequestedId attribute of the GlacierRefreshProbeMessage object

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging with parameters of type Id
GlacierDataMessage(int uid, FragmentKey key, Fragment fragment, Manifest manifest, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierDataMessage.
GlacierDataMessage(int uid, FragmentKey[] keys, Fragment[] fragments, Manifest[] manifests, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierDataMessage.
GlacierFetchMessage(int uid, FragmentKey key, int request, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierFetchMessage.
GlacierFetchMessage(int uid, FragmentKey[] keys, int request, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierFetchMessage.
GlacierMessage(int id, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
GlacierNeighborRequestMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierNeighborRequestMessage.
GlacierNeighborResponseMessage(int uid, Id[] neighbors, long[] lastSeen, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierNeighborResponseMessage.
GlacierQueryMessage(int uid, FragmentKey[] keys, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierQueryMessage.
GlacierRangeForwardMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle requestor, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRangeForwardMessage.
GlacierRangeQueryMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRangeQueryMessage.
GlacierRangeResponseMessage(int uid, IdRange commonRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRangeResponseMessage.
GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage(int uid, VersionKey[] keys, int[] updates, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage.
GlacierRefreshPatchMessage(int uid, VersionKey[] keys, long[] lifetimes, byte[][] signatures, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRefreshPatchMessage.
GlacierRefreshProbeMessage(int uid, Id requestedId, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRefreshProbeMessage.
GlacierRefreshResponseMessage(int uid, IdRange range, boolean online, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierRefreshResponseMessage.
GlacierResponseMessage(int uid, FragmentKey key, boolean haveIt, long lifetime, boolean authoritative, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierResponseMessage.
GlacierResponseMessage(int uid, FragmentKey[] keys, boolean[] haveIt, long[] lifetimes, boolean[] authoritative, NodeHandle source, Id dest, boolean isResponse, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierResponseMessage.
GlacierSyncMessage(int uid, IdRange range, int offsetFID, BloomFilter BloomFilter, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
          Constructor for GlacierSyncMessage.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.multiring

Classes in rice.p2p.multiring that implement Id
 class RingId

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring declared as Id
protected  Id MultiringApplication.ringId
          The Id which represents the current ring this app is a member of
protected  Id MultiringIdFactory.ringId
          The multiring node supporting this endpoint
protected  Id MultiringIdRange.ringId
          The ringId of the nodes in the range
protected  Id MultiringIdSet.ringId
          The ringId of the ids in the set
protected  Id MultiringNode.ringId
          The Id which represents the current ring this node is a member of
protected  Id MultiringNodeHandle.ringId
          The handle's ringId
protected  Id MultiringNodeHandleSet.ringId
          The handle's ringId
protected  Id MultiringRouteMessage.ringId
          The messages's ringId
protected  Id RingCertificate.id
protected  Id RingId.id
          The id which this ringId represents
protected  Id RingId.ringId
          The ringId which this ringId represents

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring that return Id
 Id MultiringEndpoint.getId()
          Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
 Id MultiringEndpoint.readId(InputBuffer buf, short type)
 Id MultiringIdFactory.getRingId()
          Method which returns the underlying Id which represents the local node's ring
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildNormalId(byte[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildNormalId(java.lang.String material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildId(byte[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildId(int[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildId(java.lang.String string)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildRandomId(java.util.Random rng)
          Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildRandomId(RandomSource rng)
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildIdFromToString(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
 Id MultiringIdFactory.buildIdFromToString(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
          Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
 Id MultiringIdRange.getCCWId()
          get counterclockwise edge of range
 Id MultiringIdRange.getCWId()
          get clockwise edge of range
 Id[] MultiringIdSet.asArray()
          return this set as an array
 Id MultiringNode.getId()
          Returns the Id of this node
 Id MultiringNode.getRingId()
          Returns the ringId of this node
 Id MultiringNode.getNodeId()
          Returns the underlying id of this node
 Id MultiringNodeHandle.getRingId()
          Returns the ringId of this node handle
 Id MultiringNodeHandle.getId()
          Returns this node's id.
 Id MultiringRouteMessage.getDestinationId()
          Returns the destination Id for this message
 Id RingCertificate.getId()
          Returns the id of this ring
 Id RingId.getId()
          Returns this ringid's id
 Id RingId.getRingId()
          Returns this ringid's ring id
 Id RingId.addToId(Id.Distance offset)
          Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type Id
 void MultiringApplication.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
 void MultiringEndpoint.route(Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
 void MultiringEndpoint.route(Id id, RawMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
 NodeHandleSet MultiringEndpoint.localLookup(Id id, int num, boolean safe)
          This call produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards the given id, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
 NodeHandleSet MultiringEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 NodeHandleSet MultiringEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 IdRange MultiringEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange MultiringEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 RingId MultiringIdFactory.buildRingId(Id ringId, byte[] material)
          Builds a ringId by using the provided Id and ringIds.
 RingId MultiringIdFactory.buildRingId(Id ringId, Id id)
          Builds a ringId by using the provided Id and ringIds.
 IdRange MultiringIdFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 boolean MultiringIdRange.containsId(Id key)
          test if a given key lies within this range
 boolean MultiringIdSet.isMemberId(Id id)
          test membership
 void MultiringIdSet.addId(Id id)
          add a member
 void MultiringIdSet.removeId(Id id)
          remove a member
protected  void MultiringNode.nodeAdded(Id otherRingId)
          Method which is used to inform the node that another node has been added to the collection.
 NodeHandle MultiringNodeHandleSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 int MultiringNodeHandleSet.getIndexHandle(Id id)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean MultiringNodeHandleSet.memberHandle(Id id)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 NodeHandle MultiringNodeHandleSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 void MultiringRouteMessage.setDestinationId(Id id)
          Sets the destination Id for this message
static RingCertificate RingCertificate.getCertificate(Id ringId)
          Method which returns the certificates found for the given ringId
 boolean RingId.isBetween(Id ccw, Id cw)
          Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
 boolean RingId.clockwise(Id nid)
          Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
 Id.Distance RingId.distanceFromId(Id nid)
          Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
 Id.Distance RingId.longDistanceFromId(Id nid)
          Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
static RingId RingId.build(Id ringId, Id id)

Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type Id
MultiringApplication(Id ringId, Application application)
MultiringIdFactory(Id ringId, IdFactory factory)
MultiringIdRange(Id ringId, IdRange range)
MultiringIdSet(Id ringId, IdSet set)
MultiringNode(Id ringId, Node node)
MultiringNode(Id ringId, Node node, MultiringNode existing)
MultiringNodeHandle(Id ringId, NodeHandle handle)
MultiringNodeHandleSet(Id ringId, NodeHandleSet set)
MultiringRouteMessage(Id ringId, RouteMessage message)
RingCertificate(java.lang.String name, Id id, int protocol, java.net.InetSocketAddress[] bootstraps, int port, java.security.PublicKey key, java.net.InetSocketAddress logServer)
          Builds a new RingCertificate given the appropriate info

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.multiring.testing

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring.testing declared as Id
protected  Id MultiringRegrTest.globalRingId
protected  Id[] MultiringRegrTest.ringIds
 Id MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestMessage.source

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring.testing with parameters of type Id
protected  MultiringNode MultiringRegrTest.createNode(Id ringId, MultiringNode bootstrap)
          Method which creates a single node, given it's node number
protected  MultiringNode MultiringRegrTest.createNode(MultiringNode existing, Id ringId, MultiringNode bootstrap)
          Method which creates a single node, given it's node number
 void MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp.send(Id target)
 void MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp.deliver(Id id, Message message)

Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring.testing with parameters of type Id
MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestMessage(Id source)
          Constructor for MultiringTestMessage.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.past

Fields in rice.p2p.past declared as Id
protected  Id ContentHashPastContent.myId

Methods in rice.p2p.past that return Id
 Id ContentHashPastContent.getId()
          Returns the Id under which this object is stored in Past.
 Id ContentHashPastContentHandle.getId()
          Returns the id of the PastContent object associated with this handle
 Id PastContent.getId()
          Returns the Id under which this object is stored in Past.
 Id PastContentHandle.getId()
          get the id of the PastContent object associated with this handle

Methods in rice.p2p.past with parameters of type Id
 PastContent ContentHashPastContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
          Checks if a insert operation should be allowed.
 void Past.lookup(Id id, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
 void Past.lookup(Id id, boolean cache, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
 void Past.lookupHandles(Id id, int max, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handles of up to max replicas of the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
 void Past.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handle for the given object stored on the requested node.
 PastContent PastContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
          Checks if a insert operation should be allowed.
protected  void PastImpl.getHandles(Id id, int max, Continuation command)
          Internal method which returns the handles to an object.
protected  void PastImpl.sendRequest(Id id, PastMessage message, Continuation command)
          Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
protected  void PastImpl.sendRequest(Id id, PastMessage message, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
protected  void PastImpl.doInsert(Id id, PastImpl.MessageBuilder builder, Continuation command, boolean useSocket)
          Internal method which actually performs an insert for a given object.
 void PastImpl.lookup(Id id, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
 void PastImpl.lookup(Id id, boolean cache, Continuation command)
          Method which performs the same as lookup(), but allows the callee to specify if the data should be cached.
 void PastImpl.lookupHandles(Id id, int max, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handles of up to max replicas of the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
 void PastImpl.lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handle for the given object stored on the requested node.
 void PastImpl.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
 void PastImpl.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
 void PastImpl.remove(Id id, Continuation command)
          This upcall is to notify the client that the given id can be safely removed from the storage.
 boolean PastImpl.exists(Id id)
          This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored by the client.
 void PastImpl.existsInOverlay(Id id, Continuation command)
 void PastImpl.reInsert(Id id, Continuation command)
 void PastPolicy.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Cache backup, Past past, Continuation command)
          This method is called when Past is told to fetch a key.
 void PastPolicy.DefaultPastPolicy.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Cache backup, Past past, Continuation command)
          This method fetches the object via a lookup() call.

Constructors in rice.p2p.past with parameters of type Id
ContentHashPastContent(Id myId)
          Constructor for ContentHashPastContent.
ContentHashPastContentHandle(NodeHandle nh, Id id)

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.past.gc

Classes in rice.p2p.past.gc that implement Id
 class GCId

Fields in rice.p2p.past.gc declared as Id
protected  Id GCId.id
          The id which this ringId represents

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc that return Id
 Id GCEndpoint.getId()
          Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
 Id GCEndpoint.readId(InputBuffer buf, short type)
 Id GCId.getId()
          Returns this gcid's id
 Id GCId.addToId(Id.Distance offset)
          Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
 Id GCIdFactory.buildNormalId(byte[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id GCIdFactory.buildId(byte[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id GCIdFactory.buildId(int[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id GCIdFactory.buildId(java.lang.String string)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
 Id GCIdFactory.buildRandomId(java.util.Random rng)
          Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
 Id GCIdFactory.buildRandomId(RandomSource rng)
 Id GCIdFactory.buildIdFromToString(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
 Id GCIdFactory.buildIdFromToString(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
          Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
 Id GCIdRange.getCCWId()
          get counterclockwise edge of range
 Id GCIdRange.getCWId()
          get clockwise edge of range
 Id[] GCIdSet.asArray()
          return this set as an array
 Id GCNode.getId()
          Returns the Id of this node

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc with parameters of type Id
 void GCEndpoint.route(Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
 void GCEndpoint.route(Id id, RawMessage message, NodeHandle hint)
 NodeHandleSet GCEndpoint.localLookup(Id id, int num, boolean safe)
          This call produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards the given id, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
 NodeHandleSet GCEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 NodeHandleSet GCEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 IdRange GCEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange GCEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 boolean GCId.isBetween(Id ccw, Id cw)
          Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
 boolean GCId.clockwise(Id nid)
          Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
 Id.Distance GCId.distanceFromId(Id nid)
          Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
 Id.Distance GCId.longDistanceFromId(Id nid)
          Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
 IdRange GCIdFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 boolean GCIdRange.containsId(Id key)
          test if a given key lies within this range
 boolean GCIdSet.isMemberId(Id id)
          test membership
protected  GCId GCIdSet.getGCId(Id id)
          Gets the GCId attribute of the GCIdSet object
 void GCIdSet.addId(Id id)
          add a member
 void GCIdSet.removeId(Id id)
          remove a member
 void GCPast.refresh(Id[] ids, long[] expiration, Continuation command)
          Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
 void GCPast.refresh(Id[] ids, long expiration, Continuation command)
          Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
 void GCPastImpl.refresh(Id[] array, long expiration, Continuation command)
          Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
 void GCPastImpl.refresh(Id[] array, long[] expirations, Continuation command)
          Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
 void GCPastImpl.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
 void GCPastImpl.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
 void GCPastImpl.remove(Id id, Continuation command)
          This upcall is to notify the client that the given id can be safely removed from the storage.
 boolean GCPastImpl.exists(Id id)
          This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored by the client.
 void GCPastImpl.existsInOverlay(Id id, Continuation command)
 void GCPastImpl.reInsert(Id id, Continuation command)

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.gc with parameters of type Id
GCId(Id id, long expiration)

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging with parameters of type Id
GCCollectMessage(int id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
GCInsertMessage(int uid, PastContent content, long expiration, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
GCLookupHandlesMessage(int uid, Id id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
GCRefreshMessage(int uid, GCIdSet keys, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the keys to be refreshed

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization that return Id
 Id JavaSerializedGCPastContent.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the JavaSerializedGCPastContent object
 Id JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle object

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization with parameters of type Id
 PastContent JavaSerializedGCPastContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.past.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.past.messaging declared as Id
protected  Id MessageLostMessage.id
protected  Id PastMessage.dest

Methods in rice.p2p.past.messaging that return Id
 Id FetchHandleMessage.getId()
          Method which returns the id
 Id LookupHandlesMessage.getId()
          Method which returns the id
 Id LookupMessage.getId()
          Method which returns the id
 Id PastMessage.getDestination()
          Method which returns this messages' destination address

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.messaging with parameters of type Id
CacheMessage(int uid, PastContent content, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id and the local id
CacheMessage(int uid, RawPastContent content, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor for CacheMessage.
ContinuationMessage(int uid, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
FetchHandleMessage(int uid, Id id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
FetchMessage(int uid, PastContentHandle handle, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
FetchMessage(int uid, RawPastContentHandle handle, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor for FetchMessage.
InsertMessage(int uid, PastContent content, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
InsertMessage(int uid, RawPastContent content, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor for InsertMessage.
LookupHandlesMessage(int uid, Id id, int max, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
LookupMessage(int uid, Id id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
MessageLostMessage(int uid, NodeHandle local, Id id, Message message, NodeHandle hint)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id and the local id
PastMessage(int id, NodeHandle source, Id dest)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization

Methods in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization that return Id
 Id JavaSerializedPastContent.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the JavaSerializedPastContent object
 Id JavaSerializedPastContentHandle.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the JavaSerializedPastContentHandle object

Methods in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization with parameters of type Id
 PastContent JavaSerializedPastContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.past.testing

Fields in rice.p2p.past.testing declared as Id
protected  Id PastRegrTest.TestPastContent.id
protected  Id PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle.id
protected  Id RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent.id
protected  Id RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle.id

Methods in rice.p2p.past.testing that return Id
 Id PastRegrTest.TestPastContent.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the TestPastContent object
 Id PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the TestPastContentHandle object
 Id PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.getDestinationId()
          Gets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
 Id RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the TestPastContent object
 Id RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the TestPastContentHandle object
 Id RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.getDestinationId()
          Gets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object

Methods in rice.p2p.past.testing with parameters of type Id
 PastContent PastRegrTest.TestPastContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
 PastContent PastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
 void PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.setDestinationId(Id id)
          Sets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
 PastContent RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
 PastContent RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent.checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
 void RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.setDestinationId(Id id)
          Sets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.testing with parameters of type Id
PastRegrTest.TestPastContent(Id id)
          Constructor for TestPastContent.
PastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent(Id id, int version)
          Constructor for VersionedTestPastContent.
PastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent(Id id, int version)
          Constructor for NonOverwritingTestPastContent.
PastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent(Id id)
          Constructor for NonMutableTestPastContent.
PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle(Past past, Id id)
          Constructor for TestPastContentHandle.
PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id id, NodeHandle nextHop, Message message)
          Constructor for TestRouteMessage.
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent(Id id)
          Constructor for TestPastContent.
RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent(Id id, int version)
          Constructor for VersionedTestPastContent.
RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent(Id id, int version)
          Constructor for NonOverwritingTestPastContent.
RawPastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent(Id id)
          Constructor for NonMutableTestPastContent.
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle(Past past, Id id)
          Constructor for TestPastContentHandle.
RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id id, NodeHandle nextHop, Message message)
          Constructor for TestRouteMessage.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.replication

Methods in rice.p2p.replication with parameters of type Id
 void ReplicationImpl.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.replication.manager

Fields in rice.p2p.replication.manager declared as Id
protected  Id ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper.current
          The next message UID which is available
protected  Id ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter.id
          Whether or not we are waiting for a response

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager that return Id
protected  Id ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper.getNextId()
          Interal method which safely takes the next id to be fetched from the set of pending keys

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager with parameters of type Id
 void ReplicationManagerClient.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
 void ReplicationManagerClient.remove(Id id, Continuation command)
          This upcall is to notify the client that the given id can be safely removed from the storage.
 boolean ReplicationManagerClient.exists(Id id)
          This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored locally by the client.
 void ReplicationManagerClient.existsInOverlay(Id id, Continuation command)
          This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored somewhere in the overlay by the client.
 void ReplicationManagerClient.reInsert(Id id, Continuation command)
          Asks a client to reinsert an object it already holds into the overlay
protected  void ReplicationManagerImpl.informClient(Id id, NodeHandle hint)
          Internal method which informs the client of the next id to fetch
 void ReplicationManagerImpl.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
 void ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper.message(Id id)

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging declared as Id
protected  Id TimeoutMessage.id
          THe unique id of this message

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging that return Id
 Id TimeoutMessage.getId()
          Returns the id of this message

Constructors in rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging with parameters of type Id
TimeoutMessage(Id id)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing with parameters of type Id
 void ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient.fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
 void ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient.remove(Id id, Continuation command)
 void ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient.insert(Id id)
 boolean ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient.exists(Id id)
 void ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient.existsInOverlay(Id id, Continuation command)
 void ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient.reInsert(Id id, Continuation command)

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.replication.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.replication.messaging declared as Id
protected  Id[][] ResponseMessage.ids

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.messaging that return Id
 Id[][] ResponseMessage.getIdSets()
          Method which returns this messages' ranges

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.replication.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.testing with parameters of type Id
 void ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient.insert(Id id)

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.scribe

Fields in rice.p2p.scribe declared as Id
protected  Id[] ScribeImpl.TopicManager.pathToRoot
          The current path to the root for this node
protected  Id Topic.id
          The Id to which this topic is mapped

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe that return Id
 Id ScribeImpl.getId()
          Returns the Id of the local node
 Id[] ScribeImpl.TopicManager.getPathToRoot()
          Gets the PathToRoot attribute of the TopicManager object
 Id Topic.getId()
          Returns the Id to which this topic is mapped
static Id Topic.getId(IdFactory factory, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Id to which the string is mapped

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe with parameters of type Id
 void ScribeImpl.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
 void ScribeImpl.TopicManager.setPathToRoot(Id[] pathToRoot)
          Sets the PathToRoot attribute of the TopicManager object

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe with parameters of type Id
Topic(Id id)
          Constructor which takes an Id for this topic

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging declared as Id
protected  Id[] SubscribeAckMessage.pathToRoot
          The contained path to the root
protected  Id SubscribeMessage.previousParent
          The previous parent

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging that return Id
 Id[] SubscribeAckMessage.getPathToRoot()
          Returns the path to the root for the node receiving this message
 Id SubscribeMessage.getPreviousParent()
          Returns the node who is trying to subscribe

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging with parameters of type Id
SubscribeAckMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, Id[] pathToRoot, int id)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, Id previousParent, int id, RawScribeContent content)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.scribe.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.testing that return Id
 Id RawScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.getDestinationId()
          Gets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
 Id ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.getDestinationId()
          Gets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.testing with parameters of type Id
 void RawScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.setDestinationId(Id id)
          Sets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
 void ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage.setDestinationId(Id id)
          Sets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe.testing with parameters of type Id
RawScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id id, NodeHandle nextHop, Message message)
          Constructor for TestRouteMessage.
ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id id, NodeHandle nextHop, Message message)
          Constructor for TestRouteMessage.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.splitstream

Fields in rice.p2p.splitstream declared as Id
protected  Id Channel.localId
          The Id of the local node
protected  Id ChannelId.id
          The underlying id for this channelid
protected  Id StripeId.id
          This stripe's Id

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream that return Id
 Id Channel.getLocalId()
          Gets the local node id.
 Id ChannelId.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the ChannelId object
 Id StripeId.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the StripeId object

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream with parameters of type Id
 java.util.Vector SplitStreamScribePolicy.freeBandwidthUltimate(Id stripeId)
          This method makes an attempt to free up bandwidth from non-primary, non-root stripes (for which local node is not root).
 NodeHandle SplitStreamScribePolicy.freeBandwidth(Channel channel, NodeHandle newChild, Id stripeId)
          This method attempts to free bandwidth from our primary stripe.
static int SplitStreamScribePolicy.getPrefixMatch(Id target, Id sample, int digitLength)
          Helper method for finding prefix match between two Ids.

Constructors in rice.p2p.splitstream with parameters of type Id
Channel(ChannelId channelId, Scribe scribe, java.lang.String instance, IdFactory factory, Id localId, int stripeBase, int maxFailedSubscriptions)
          Constructor to create a new channel from scratch
ChannelId(Id id)
          Constructor that takes in an Id and makes a ChannelId
StripeId(Id id)
          Constructor that takes in a nodeId and makes a StripeId

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing with parameters of type Id
 void MySplitStreamClient.publish(Id id, int seq)

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.util

Methods in rice.p2p.util with parameters of type Id
protected  void IdBloomFilter.checkArray(Id id)
          Internal method for checking to see if the array exists, and if not, instanciating it.
protected  void IdBloomFilter.addId(Id id)
          Method which adds an Id to the underlying bloom filter
 boolean IdBloomFilter.check(Id id)
          Method which returns whether or not an Id *may* be in the set.

Uses of Id in rice.p2p.util.testing

Fields in rice.p2p.util.testing declared as Id
static Id[] IdBloomFilterReplicationTest.SHARED
static Id[] IdBloomFilterReplicationTest.EXTRA

Methods in rice.p2p.util.testing with parameters of type Id
protected static int RedBlackMapUnit.getIndex(Id id, Id[] sorted)
          Gets the Index attribute of the RedBlackMapUnit class
protected static void RedBlackMapUnit.testRemove(java.util.SortedMap map, Id[] sorted, Id remove)
          A unit test for JUnit
protected static void RedBlackMapUnit.printMap(Id[] id)
protected static void RedBlackMapUnit.testHeadMap(Id head, Id[] sorted, java.util.SortedMap sub)
          A unit test for JUnit
protected static void RedBlackMapUnit.testTailMap(Id tail, Id[] sorted, java.util.SortedMap sub)
          A unit test for JUnit
protected static void RedBlackMapUnit.testNormalSubMap(Id from, Id to, Id[] sorted, java.util.SortedMap sub)
          A unit test for JUnit
protected static void RedBlackMapUnit.testWrappedSubMap(Id from, Id to, Id[] sorted, java.util.SortedMap sub)
          A unit test for JUnit

Uses of Id in rice.pastry

Classes in rice.pastry that implement Id
 class Id
          Represents a Pastry identifier for a node, object or key.

Methods in rice.pastry that return Id
 Id Id.addToId(Id.Distance offset)
          Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
 Id IdRange.getCCWId()
          get counterclockwise edge of range
 Id IdRange.getCWId()
          get clockwise edge of range
 Id[] IdSet.asArray()
          return this set as an array
 Id NodeHandle.getId()
          Gets the Id attribute of the NodeHandle object
 Id PastryNode.getId()
          Returns the Id of this node

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type Id
 boolean Id.isBetween(Id ccw, Id cw)
          Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
 boolean Id.clockwise(Id nid)
          Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
 Id.Distance Id.distanceFromId(Id nid)
          Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
 Id.Distance Id.longDistanceFromId(Id nid)
          Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
 boolean IdRange.containsId(Id key)
          test if a given key lies within this range
 boolean IdSet.isMemberId(Id id)
          test membership
 void IdSet.addId(Id id)
          add a member
 void IdSet.removeId(Id id)
          remove a member
 NodeHandle NodeSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 int NodeSet.getIndexHandle(Id id)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean NodeSet.memberHandle(Id id)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.commonapi

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi that return Id
 Id PastryEndpoint.getId()
          Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
 Id PastryEndpoint.readId(InputBuffer buf, short type)
 Id PastryIdFactory.buildId(byte[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id PastryIdFactory.buildId(int[] material)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
 Id PastryIdFactory.buildId(java.lang.String string)
          Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
 Id PastryIdFactory.buildRandomId(java.util.Random rng)
          Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
 Id PastryIdFactory.buildRandomId(RandomSource rng)
 Id PastryIdFactory.buildIdFromToString(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
 Id PastryIdFactory.buildIdFromToString(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
          Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type Id
 void PastryEndpoint.route(Id key, Message msg, NodeHandle hint)
          This operation forwards a message towards the root of key.
 void PastryEndpoint.route(Id key, RawMessage msg, NodeHandle hint)
 NodeHandleSet PastryEndpoint.localLookup(Id key, int num, boolean safe)
          This method produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards key, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
 NodeHandleSet PastryEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank)
          This method returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of the object with key can be stored.
 NodeHandleSet PastryEndpoint.replicaSet(Id id, int maxRank, NodeHandle root, NodeHandleSet set)
          This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
 IdRange PastryEndpoint.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key, boolean cumulative)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 IdRange PastryEndpoint.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 boolean PastryEndpoint.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 IdRange PastryIdFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.leafset

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type Id
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the Id.
 int SimilarSet.getIndexHandle(Id id)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean SimilarSet.memberHandle(Id id)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.routing

Methods in rice.pastry.routing that return Id
 Id RouteMessage.getDestinationId()
          Gets the DestinationId attribute of the RouteMessage object

Methods in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type Id
 void RouteMessage.setDestinationId(Id id)
          Sets the DestinationId attribute of the RouteMessage object
 NodeHandle RouteSet.getHandle(Id id)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the Id.
 int RouteSet.getIndexHandle(Id id)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean RouteSet.memberHandle(Id id)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.removeHandle(Id id)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.testing

Fields in rice.pastry.testing declared as Id
 Id HelloMsg.target

Constructors in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type Id
HelloMsg(int addr, NodeHandle src, Id tgt, int mid)
          Constructor for HelloMsg.

Uses of Id in rice.persistence

Methods in rice.persistence with parameters of type Id
 void Cache.cache(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, java.io.Serializable obj, Continuation c)
          Caches an object in this storage.
 void Cache.uncache(Id id, Continuation c)
          Removes the object from the list of cached objects.
 boolean Catalog.exists(Id id)
          Returns whether or not an object is present in the location id .
 void Catalog.getObject(Id id, Continuation c)
          Returns the object identified by the given id, or null if there is no cooresponding object (through receiveResult on c).
 java.io.Serializable Catalog.getMetadata(Id id)
          Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
 void Catalog.setMetadata(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, Continuation command)
          Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
 void Catalog.rename(Id oldId, Id newId, Continuation c)
          Renames the given object to the new id.
 void EmptyCache.getObject(Id id, Continuation c)
          Returns the object identified by the given id.
 java.io.Serializable EmptyCache.getMetadata(Id id)
          Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
 void EmptyCache.setMetadata(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, Continuation c)
          Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
 void EmptyCache.rename(Id oldId, Id newId, Continuation c)
          Renames the given object to the new id.
 void EmptyCache.cache(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, java.io.Serializable obj, Continuation c)
          Caches an object in this storage.
 void EmptyCache.uncache(Id id, Continuation c)
          Removes the object from the list of cached objects.
 boolean EmptyCache.exists(Id id)
          Returns whether or not an object is cached in the location id.
 void LRUCache.getObject(Id id, Continuation c)
          Returns the object identified by the given id.
 java.io.Serializable LRUCache.getMetadata(Id id)
          Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
 void LRUCache.setMetadata(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, Continuation command)
          Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
 void LRUCache.rename(Id oldId, Id newId, Continuation c)
          Renames the given object to the new id.
 void LRUCache.cache(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, java.io.Serializable obj, Continuation c)
          Caches an object in this storage.
 void LRUCache.uncache(Id id, Continuation c)
          Removes the object from the list of cached objects.
 boolean LRUCache.exists(Id id)
          Returns whether or not an object is cached in the location id.
 java.io.Serializable MemoryStorage.getMetadata(Id id)
          Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
 void MemoryStorage.getObject(Id id, Continuation c)
          Returns the object identified by the given id, or null if there is no cooresponding object (through receiveResult on c).
 void MemoryStorage.setMetadata(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, Continuation command)
          Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
 void MemoryStorage.rename(Id oldId, Id newId, Continuation c)
          Renames the given object to the new id.
 void MemoryStorage.store(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, java.io.Serializable obj, Continuation c)
          Stores the object under the key id.
 void MemoryStorage.unstore(Id id, Continuation c)
          Removes the object from the list of stored objects.
 boolean MemoryStorage.exists(Id id)
          Returns whether or not the provided id exists
 java.io.Serializable PersistentStorage.getMetadata(Id id)
          Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
 void PersistentStorage.getObject(Id id, Continuation c)
          Returns the object identified by the given id.
 void PersistentStorage.setMetadata(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, Continuation c)
          Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
 void PersistentStorage.rename(Id oldId, Id newId, Continuation c)
          Renames the given object to the new id.
 void PersistentStorage.store(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, java.io.Serializable obj, Continuation c)
          Makes the object persistent to disk and stored permanantly If the object is already persistent, this method will simply update the object's serialized image.
 void PersistentStorage.unstore(Id id, Continuation c)
          Request to remove the object from the list of persistend objects.
 boolean PersistentStorage.exists(Id id)
          Returns whether or not an object is present in the location id .
 void Storage.store(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, java.io.Serializable obj, Continuation c)
          Stores an object in this storage.
 void Storage.unstore(Id id, Continuation c)
          Removes the object from the list of stored objects.
 void StorageManagerImpl.getObject(Id id, Continuation c)
          Returns the object identified by the given id, or null if there is no cooresponding object (through receiveResult on c).
 java.io.Serializable StorageManagerImpl.getMetadata(Id id)
          Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
 void StorageManagerImpl.setMetadata(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, Continuation command)
          Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
 boolean StorageManagerImpl.exists(Id id)
          Returns whether or not an object is present in the location id .
 void StorageManagerImpl.rename(Id oldId, Id newId, Continuation c)
          Renames the given object to the new id.
 void StorageManagerImpl.store(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, java.io.Serializable obj, Continuation c)
          Stores an object in this storage.
 void StorageManagerImpl.unstore(Id id, Continuation c)
          Removes the object from the list of stored objects.
 void StorageManagerImpl.cache(Id id, java.io.Serializable metadata, java.io.Serializable obj, Continuation c)
          Caches an object in this storage.
 void StorageManagerImpl.uncache(Id id, Continuation c)
          Removes the object from the list of cached objects.

Uses of Id in rice.persistence.testing

Classes in rice.persistence.testing that implement Id
 class MemoryStorageTest.VariableId

Methods in rice.persistence.testing that return Id
 Id MemoryStorageTest.VariableId.addToId(Id.Distance offset)
          Adds a feature to the ToId attribute of the VariableId object

Methods in rice.persistence.testing with parameters of type Id
 boolean MemoryStorageTest.VariableId.isBetween(Id ccw, Id cw)
          Gets the Between attribute of the VariableId object
 boolean MemoryStorageTest.VariableId.clockwise(Id nid)
 Id.Distance MemoryStorageTest.VariableId.distanceFromId(Id nid)
 Id.Distance MemoryStorageTest.VariableId.longDistanceFromId(Id nid)

Uses of Id in rice.tutorial.appsocket

Methods in rice.tutorial.appsocket with parameters of type Id
 void MyApp.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          Called when we receive a message.

Uses of Id in rice.tutorial.lesson3

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson3 with parameters of type Id
 void MyApp.routeMyMsg(Id id)
          Called to route a message to the id
 void MyApp.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          Called when we receive a message.

Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson3 with parameters of type Id
MyMsg(Id from, Id to)

Uses of Id in rice.tutorial.lesson4

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson4 with parameters of type Id
 void MyApp.routeMyMsg(Id id)
          Called to route a message to the id
 void MyApp.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          Called when we receive a message.

Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson4 with parameters of type Id
MyMsg(Id from, Id to)

Uses of Id in rice.tutorial.lesson5

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson5 with parameters of type Id
 void MyApp.routeMyMsg(Id id)
          Called to route a message to the id
 void MyApp.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          Called when we receive a message.

Uses of Id in rice.tutorial.lesson6

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson6 with parameters of type Id
 void MyScribeClient.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          Part of the Application interface.

Uses of Id in rice.tutorial.lesson7

Constructors in rice.tutorial.lesson7 with parameters of type Id
MyPastContent(Id id, java.lang.String content)
          Takes an environment for the timestamp An IdFactory to generate the hash The content to be stored.

Uses of Id in rice.tutorial.rawserialization

Methods in rice.tutorial.rawserialization with parameters of type Id
 void MyApp.routeMyMsg(Id id)
          Called to route a message to the id
 void MyApp.deliver(Id id, Message message)
          Called when we receive a message.

Constructors in rice.tutorial.rawserialization with parameters of type Id
MyMsg(Id from, Id to)

Rice Pastry API

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