Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use SourceRoute

Uses of SourceRoute in rice.pastry.socket

Fields in rice.pastry.socket declared as SourceRoute
protected  SourceRoute SocketChannelReader.path
protected  SourceRoute SocketChannelWriter.path
protected  SourceRoute SocketCollectionManager.MessageRetry.route
protected  SourceRoute SocketCollectionManager.DeadChecker.path
protected  SourceRoute SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.best
          the current best route to this remote address if best == null, we are already in a CheckDead, which means we are searching for a path
protected  SourceRoute SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.SourceRouteManager.route

Methods in rice.pastry.socket that return SourceRoute
 SourceRoute PingManager.decodeHeader(byte[] header)
          Method which adds a header for the provided path to the given data.
protected  SourceRoute SocketCollectionManager.getSocketToClose()
          Internal method which returns the next socket to be closed
 SourceRoute[] SocketPastryNodeFactory.getRoutes(NodeHandle handle, NodeHandle local)
          This method returns the routes a remote node is using
protected  SourceRoute[] SocketSourceRouteManager.getAllRoutes(EpochInetSocketAddress destination)
          Internal method which returns a list of all possible routes to a given address.
protected  SourceRoute SocketSourceRouteManager.getBestRoute(EpochInetSocketAddress address)
          Internal method which returns the best known route to the given destination
 SourceRoute SourceRoute.reverse(EpochInetSocketAddress localAddress)
          Method which revereses path and cliams the corresponding address
 SourceRoute SourceRoute.reverse()
          Method which revereses path
 SourceRoute SourceRoute.removeLastHop()
          Method which creates a new source route by removing the last hop of this one
 SourceRoute SourceRoute.append(EpochInetSocketAddress address)
          Method which creates a new source route by appending the given address to the end of this one
 SourceRoute SourceRoute.prepend(EpochInetSocketAddress address)
          Method which creates a new source route by appending the given address to the end of this one
protected static SourceRoute SourceRoute.resolve(java.util.WeakHashMap map, SourceRoute route)
          Method which performs the coalescing and interaction with the weak hash map
static SourceRoute SourceRoute.build(EpochInetSocketAddress[] path)
static SourceRoute SourceRoute.build(EpochInetSocketAddress address)
static SourceRoute SourceRoute.build(InputBuffer buf)

Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type SourceRoute
protected  void PingManager.ping(SourceRoute path, PingResponseListener prl)
          Method which actually sends a ping to over the specified path, and returns the result to the specified listener.
protected  void PingManager.removePingResponseListener(SourceRoute path, PingResponseListener prl)
          Adds a feature to the PingResponseListener attribute of the PingManager object
protected  void PingManager.addPingResponseListener(SourceRoute path, PingResponseListener prl)
          Adds a feature to the PingResponseListener attribute of the PingManager object
protected  void PingManager.notifyPingResponseListeners(SourceRoute path, int proximity, long lastTimePinged)
          caller must synchronized(pingResponseTimes)
 void PingManager.enqueue(SourceRoute path, PRawMessage msg)
 void PingManager.enqueue(SourceRoute path, SocketBuffer msg)
 void PingManager.receiveMessage(SourceRoute sr, DatagramMessage dm, int size, java.net.InetSocketAddress from)
 void PingResponseListener.pingResponse(SourceRoute path, long RTT, long timeHeardFrom)
          Method which is called once a previously-issued ping is responded to.
protected  void SocketChannelReader.setPath(SourceRoute path)
          Sets this reader's path
protected  void SocketChannelReader.record(java.lang.Object obj, int size, SourceRoute path)
protected  void SocketChannelWriter.setPath(SourceRoute path)
          Sets this writer's path
protected  void SocketChannelWriter.record(java.lang.String action, java.lang.Object obj, int size, SourceRoute path)
 boolean SocketCollectionManager.isOpen(SourceRoute route)
          Returns whether or not a socket is currently open to the given route
 void SocketCollectionManager.bootstrap(SourceRoute path, Message message)
          Method which sends bootstraps a node by sending message across the wire, using a fake IP address in the header so that the local node is not marked alive, and then closes the connection.
 void SocketCollectionManager.send(SourceRoute path, SocketBuffer message, SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager am)
          Method which sends a message across the wire.
 void SocketCollectionManager.connect(SourceRoute path, int appId, AppSocketReceiver receiver, int timeout)
          Method which sends a message across the wire.
 void SocketCollectionManager.ping(SourceRoute route)
          Method which suggests a ping to the remote node.
protected  void SocketCollectionManager.checkLiveness(SourceRoute path)
          Initiates a liveness test on the given address, if the remote node does not respond, it is declared dead.
protected  boolean SocketCollectionManager.sendInternal(SourceRoute path, SocketBuffer message)
          Method which sends a message across the wire.
protected  void SocketCollectionManager.openSocket(SourceRoute path, boolean bootstrap)
          Method which opens a socket to a given remote node handle, and updates the bookkeeping to keep track of this socket
protected  void SocketCollectionManager.openAppSocket(SourceRoute path, int appId, AppSocketReceiver connector, int timeout)
          Method which opens a socket to a given remote node handle, and updates the bookkeeping to keep track of this socket
protected  void SocketCollectionManager.closeSocket(SourceRoute path)
          Method which cloeses a socket to a given remote node handle, and updates the bookkeeping to keep track of this closing.
protected  void SocketCollectionManager.socketOpened(SourceRoute path, rice.pastry.socket.SocketManager manager)
          Method which is designed to be called by node handles when they wish to open a socket to their remote node.
protected  void SocketCollectionManager.socketClosed(SourceRoute path, rice.pastry.socket.SocketManager manager)
          Method which is designed to be called *ONCE THE SOCKET HAS BEEN CLOSED*.
protected  void SocketCollectionManager.socketUpdated(SourceRoute path)
          Method which is designed to be called whenever a node has network activity.
 void SocketCollectionManager.DeadChecker.pingResponse(SourceRoute path, long RTT, long timeHeardFrom)
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.markDead(SourceRoute route)
          This method should be called when a known route is declared dead.
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.markAlive(SourceRoute route)
          This method should be called when a known route is declared alive.
protected  int SocketSourceRouteManager.proximity(SourceRoute route)
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.markSuspected(SourceRoute route)
          This method should be called when a known route is declared suspected.
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.markProximity(SourceRoute route, int proximity)
          This method should be called when a known route has its proximity updated
protected  SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.SourceRouteManager SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.getRouteManager(SourceRoute route)
          Method which returns the route manager for the given route
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.markAlive(SourceRoute route)
          This method should be called when a known route is declared alive.
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.markSuspected(SourceRoute route)
          This method should be called when a known route is declared suspected.
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.markDead(SourceRoute route)
          This method should be called when a known route is declared dead.
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.markProximity(SourceRoute route, int proximity)
          This method should be called when a known route has its proximity updated
protected static SourceRoute SourceRoute.resolve(java.util.WeakHashMap map, SourceRoute route)
          Method which performs the coalescing and interaction with the weak hash map

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type SourceRoute
SocketBuffer(EpochInetSocketAddress address, SourceRoute path)
          For a quick write.
SocketBuffer(EpochInetSocketAddress address, SourceRoute path, PRawMessage msg)
          Constructor for SocketBuffer.
SocketBuffer(SourceRoute path, int appId)
          Constructor for SocketBuffer.
SocketChannelReader(SocketPastryNode spn, SourceRoute path)
          Constructor which creates this SocketChannelReader and the WirePastryNode.
SocketChannelReader(Environment env, SourceRoute path)
          Constructor for SocketChannelReader.
SocketChannelWriter(SocketPastryNode spn, SourceRoute path)
          Constructor which creates this SocketChannelWriter with a pastry node and an object to write out.
SocketChannelWriter(Environment env, SourceRoute path)
          Constructor for SocketChannelWriter.
SocketCollectionManager.MessageRetry(SourceRoute route, SocketBuffer message, SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager am)
          Constructor, taking a message and the route
SocketCollectionManager.DeadChecker(SourceRoute path, int numTries)
          Constructor for DeadChecker.
SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.SourceRouteManager(SourceRoute route)
          Constructor - builds a route manager given the route

Uses of SourceRoute in rice.pastry.socket.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.socket.messaging that return SourceRoute
 SourceRoute[] RoutesResponseMessage.getRoutes()
          Returns the leafset of the receiver.

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket.messaging with parameters of type SourceRoute
RoutesResponseMessage(SourceRoute[] routes)

Rice Pastry API

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