Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use PRawMessage

Uses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.commonapi

Subclasses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.commonapi
 class PastryEndpointMessage
          This class is an internal message to the commonapi gluecode.

Uses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.join

Subclasses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.join
 class JoinRequest
          Request to join this network.

Uses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.leafset

Subclasses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.leafset
 class BroadcastLeafSet
          Broadcast a leaf set to another node.
 class RequestLeafSet
          Request a leaf set from another node.

Uses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.messaging

Subclasses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.messaging
 class PJavaSerializedMessage
          Wrapper that converts rice.pastry.messaging.Message to rice.pastry.messageing.PRawMessage

Uses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.routing

Subclasses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.routing
 class BroadcastRouteRow
          Broadcast message for a row from a routing table.
 class RequestRouteRow
          Request a row from the routing table from another node.
 class RouteMessage
          A route message contains a pastry message that has been wrapped to be sent to another pastry node.

Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type PRawMessage
RouteMessage(Id target, PRawMessage msg, NodeHandle firstHop, SendOptions opts)
          Constructor for RouteMessage.

Uses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.socket

Subclasses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.socket
 class SourceRoute
          Class which represets a source route to a remote IP address.

Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type PRawMessage
 void PingManager.enqueue(SourceRoute path, PRawMessage msg)
 void SocketBuffer.serialize(PRawMessage msg, boolean reset)
          Will grow the buffer as needed

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type PRawMessage
SocketBuffer(PRawMessage rm)
          For quick write
SocketBuffer(EpochInetSocketAddress address, SourceRoute path, PRawMessage msg)
          Constructor for SocketBuffer.

Uses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.socket.messaging

Subclasses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.socket.messaging
 class DatagramMessage
          Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.
 class IPAddressRequestMessage
          Class which represents a request for the external visible IP address
 class IPAddressResponseMessage
          Class which represents a request for the external visible IP address
 class LeafSetRequestMessage
          Message which represents a request to get the leafset from the remote node.
 class LeafSetResponseMessage
          A response message to a LeafSetRequestMessage, containing the remote node's leafset.
 class NodeIdRequestMessage
          Message which represents a request to get a node Id from the remote node.
 class NodeIdResponseMessage
          A response message to a NodeIdRequestMessage, containing the remote node's nodeId.
 class PingMessage
          Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.
 class PingResponseMessage
          Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.
 class RouteRowRequestMessage
          Message which represents a request to get the leafset from the remote node.
 class RouteRowResponseMessage
          A response message to a RouteRowRequestMessage, containing the remote node's routerow.
 class RoutesRequestMessage
          Message which represents a request to get the leafset from the remote node.
 class RoutesResponseMessage
          A response message to a RoutesRequestMessage, containing the remote node's routes.
 class SocketMessage
          Class which represents an abstract control message
 class WrongEpochMessage
          Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.

Uses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.standard

Subclasses of PRawMessage in rice.pastry.standard
 class ConsistentJoinMsg

Rice Pastry API

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