Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use DirectNodeHandle

Uses of DirectNodeHandle in rice.pastry.direct

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return DirectNodeHandle
 DirectNodeHandle BasicNetworkSimulator.getClosest(DirectNodeHandle nh)
          find the closest NodeId to an input NodeId out of all NodeIds in the network
 DirectNodeHandle NetworkSimulator.getClosest(DirectNodeHandle nh)
          Returns the closest Node in proximity.

Methods in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type DirectNodeHandle
 boolean BasicNetworkSimulator.isAlive(DirectNodeHandle nh)
          testing if a NodeId is alive
 DirectNodeHandle BasicNetworkSimulator.getClosest(DirectNodeHandle nh)
          find the closest NodeId to an input NodeId out of all NodeIds in the network
 int BasicNetworkSimulator.proximity(DirectNodeHandle a, DirectNodeHandle b)
          computes the proximity between two NodeIds
 boolean NetworkSimulator.isAlive(DirectNodeHandle nh)
          Checks to see if a node id is alive.
 int NetworkSimulator.proximity(DirectNodeHandle a, DirectNodeHandle b)
          Determines proximity between two nodes.
 DirectNodeHandle NetworkSimulator.getClosest(DirectNodeHandle nh)
          Returns the closest Node in proximity.

Uses of DirectNodeHandle in rice.pastry.testing

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type DirectNodeHandle
protected  void ClosestRegrTest.test(int i, DirectNodeHandle handle)
          starts the testing process

Rice Pastry API

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