Rice Pastry API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use NodeHandleFactory

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry

Classes in rice.pastry that implement NodeHandleFactory
 class PastryNode
          A Pastry node is single entity in the pastry network.

Constructors in rice.pastry with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
NodeSet(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          Constructor for NodeSet.

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry.direct

Classes in rice.pastry.direct that implement NodeHandleFactory
 class DirectPastryNode
          Direct pastry node.

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry.dist

Classes in rice.pastry.dist that implement NodeHandleFactory
 class DistPastryNode
          Class which represents the abstraction of a "real" pastry node.

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry.join

Constructors in rice.pastry.join with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
JoinRequest(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, NodeHandle sender)
          Constructor for JoinRequest.

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry.leafset

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
static LeafSet LeafSet.build(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          So that small LeafSets (who have overlapping nodes) don't waste bandwidth, leafset first defines the NodeHandles to be loaded into an array, then specifies their locations.

Constructors in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
BroadcastLeafSet(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          Constructor for BroadcastLeafSet.

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry.routing

Methods in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
static RouteMessage RouteMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, PastryNode pn)
          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + int auxAddress + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + Id target + + + + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + NodeHandle prev + + (used to repair routing table during routing) + + + ...

Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
BroadcastRouteRow(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          Constructor for BroadcastRouteRow.
RouteMessage(Id target, int auxAddress, NodeHandle prev, InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, PastryNode pn)
          Constructor for RouteMessage.
RouteSet(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          Constructor for RouteSet.

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry.socket

Classes in rice.pastry.socket that implement NodeHandleFactory
 class SocketPastryNode
          An Socket-based Pastry node, which has two threads - one thread for performing route set and leaf set maintainance, and another thread for listening on the sockets and performing all non-blocking I/O.

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
SocketBuffer(MessageDeserializer defaultDeserializer, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          Main Constructor

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry.socket.messaging

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket.messaging with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
LeafSetResponseMessage(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          Constructor for LeafSetResponseMessage.
RouteRowResponseMessage(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf)
          Constructor for RouteRowResponseMessage.

Uses of NodeHandleFactory in rice.pastry.standard

Constructors in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type NodeHandleFactory
ConsistentJoinMsg(InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, NodeHandle sender)
          Constructor for ConsistentJoinMsg.

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.
