Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use Id

Uses of Id in rice.pastry

Fields in rice.pastry declared as Id
protected  Id PastryNode.myNodeId

Methods in rice.pastry that return Id
 Id Id.add(Id.Distance offset)
          Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
static Id Id.build()
static Id Id.build(byte[] material)
static Id Id.build(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
          Constructor, which takes the output of a toStringFull() and converts it back into an Id.
static Id Id.build(InputBuffer buf)
          Id (Version 0) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + 160 Bit + + + + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
static Id Id.build(int[] material)
static Id Id.build(java.lang.String hex)
          Constructor, which takes the output of a toStringFull() and converts it back into an Id.
 Id NodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          Generates a nodeId.
 Id Id.getAlternateId(int num, int b, int i)
          produces a set of ids (keys) that are evenly distributed around the id ring.
 Id Id.getCCW()
          gets the Id just counterclockwise from this
 Id IdRange.getCCW()
          get counterclockwise edge of range
 Id Id.getCW()
          gets the Id just clockwise from this
 Id IdRange.getCW()
          get clockwise edge of range
 Id Id.getDomainPrefix(int row, int column, int suffixDigit, int b)
          produces a Id whose prefix up to row is identical to this, followed by a digit with value column, followed by a suffix of digits with value suffixDigits.
abstract  Id NodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the nodeId of this Pastry node.
 Id PastryNode.getNodeId()
static Id Id.makeRandomId(java.util.Random rng)
          Creates a random Id.
static Id Id.makeRandomId(RandomSource rng)
 Id IdSet.maxMember()
          return the largest member id
 Id IdSet.minMember()
          return the smallest member id
protected static Id Id.resolve(java.util.WeakHashMap map, Id id)
          Method which performs the coalescing and interaction with the weak hash map

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type Id
 void IdSet.addMember(Id id)
          add a member
 boolean Id.clockwise(Id nid)
          Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
 boolean IdRange.contains(Id key)
          test if a given key lies within this range
 Id.Distance Id.distance(Id nid)
          Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
 Id.Distance Id.distance(Id nid, Id.Distance d)
 boolean Id.equals(Id nid)
          Equivalence relation for Ids.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.get(Id nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with a NodeId.
 NodeHandle NodeSetI.get(Id nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
 int NodeSet.getIndex(Id nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 int NodeSetI.getIndex(Id nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 int Id.indexOfMSDB(Id nid)
          Returns the index of the most significant differing bit (MSDB).
 int Id.indexOfMSDD(Id nid, int base)
          Returns the index of the most significant different digit (MSDD) in a given base.
 boolean Id.isBetween(Id ccw, Id cw)
          Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
 boolean PastryNode.isClosest(Id key)
          Called by the layered Pastry application to check if the local pastry node is the one that is currently closest to the object key id.
 boolean IdSet.isMember(Id id)
          test membership
 Id.Distance Id.longDistance(Id nid)
          Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
abstract  PastryNode PastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Call this to construct a new node of the type chosen by the factory, with the given nodeId.
 NodeHandle NodeSet.remove(Id nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 void IdSet.removeMember(Id id)
          remove a member
protected static Id Id.resolve(java.util.WeakHashMap map, Id id)
          Method which performs the coalescing and interaction with the weak hash map
 IdSet IdSet.subSet(Id from, Id to)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range

Constructors in rice.pastry with parameters of type Id
IdRange(Id ccw, Id cw)
PastryNode(Id id, Environment e)
          Constructor, with NodeId.

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.client

Methods in rice.pastry.client that return Id
 Id PastryAppl.getNodeId()
          Gets the node id associated with this client.

Methods in rice.pastry.client with parameters of type Id
abstract  void CommonAPIAppl.deliver(Id key, Message msg)
          Called by pastry when a message arrives for this application.
 boolean PastryAppl.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
          Called by pastry when a message is enroute and is passing through this node.
 boolean PastryAppl.isClosest(Id key)
          Called by the layered Pastry application to check if the local pastry node is the one that is currently closest to the object key id.
 NodeSet CommonAPIAppl.localLookup(Id key, int num, boolean safe)
          This method produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards key, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
 IdRange CommonAPIAppl.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 IdRange CommonAPIAppl.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key, boolean cumulative)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 NodeSet CommonAPIAppl.replicaSet(Id key, int max_rank)
          This method returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of the object with key can be stored.
 void CommonAPIAppl.route(Id key, Message msg, NodeHandle hint)
          This operation forwards a message towards the root of key.
 void PastryAppl.routeMsg(Id key, Message msg, SendOptions opt)
          Routes a message to the live node D with nodeId numerically closest to key (at the time of delivery).

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.commonapi

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type Id
 boolean PastryEndpoint.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.direct

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return Id
 Id DirectNodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the NodeId attribute of the DirectNodeHandle object

Methods in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type Id
 PastryNode DirectPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Manufacture a new Pastry node.

Constructors in rice.pastry.direct with parameters of type Id
DirectPastryNode(Id id, NetworkSimulator sim, Environment e, NodeRecord nr)

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.dist

Fields in rice.pastry.dist declared as Id
protected  Id DistNodeHandle.nodeId

Methods in rice.pastry.dist that return Id
 Id DistNodeHandle.getNodeId()
          Gets the nodeId of this Pastry node.

Methods in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type Id
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.
abstract  PastryNode DistPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress proxy)
          Generates a new pastry node with the specified NodeId using the bootstrap bootstrap.

Constructors in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type Id
DistNodeHandle(Id nodeId)
DistPastryNode(Id id, Environment e)
          Constructor, with NodeId.

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.leafset

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset with parameters of type Id
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.get(Id nid)
          Finds the NodeHandle associated with the Id.
 int SimilarSet.getIndex(Id nid)
          Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
 boolean LeafSet.member(Id nid)
          Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
 boolean SimilarSet.member(Id nid)
 int LeafSet.mostSimilar(Id nid)
          Numerically closests node to a given a node in the leaf set.
 int SimilarSet.mostSimilar(Id nid)
          Impl that doesn't produce garbage Numerically closest node to a given a node.
 NodeHandle SimilarSet.remove(Id nid)
          Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
 NodeSet LeafSet.replicaSet(Id key, int max)
          compute an ordered set of nodes, in order of numerical closeness to a given key

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.leafset.testing

Methods in rice.pastry.leafset.testing that return Id
 Id MergeTest.TestNodeHandle.getNodeId()

Constructors in rice.pastry.leafset.testing with parameters of type Id
MergeTest.TestNodeHandle(Id id)

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging that return Id
 Id Message.getSenderId()
          Get sender Id.

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.routing

Methods in rice.pastry.routing that return Id
 Id RouteMessage.getTarget()
          Gets the target node id of this message.

Methods in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type Id
 NodeSet RoutingTable.alternateRoutes(Id key, int max)
          Determines a set of alternate hops towards a given key.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.bestAlternateRoute(Id key)
          Determines an alternate hop numerically closer to the key than the one we are at.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.bestAlternateRoute(int minLiveness, Id key)
          Determines an alternate hop numerically closer to the key than the one we are at.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.get(Id nid)
          Returns the node handle with the matching node id or null if none exists.
 NodeHandle RoutingTable.get(Id nid)
          Gets the node handle associated with a given id.
 RouteSet RoutingTable.getBestEntry(Id key)
          Gets the set of handles that match at least one more digit of the key than the local Id.
 int RouteSet.getIndex(Id nid)
          Get the index of the node id.
 boolean RouteSet.member(Id nid)
          Membership test.
 NodeHandle RouteSet.remove(Id nid)
          Removes a node from a set.

Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type Id
RouteMessage(Id target, int auxAddress, NodeHandle prev, InputBuffer buf, NodeHandleFactory nhf, PastryNode pn)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, NodeHandle firstHop)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, NodeHandle firstHop, SendOptions opts)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, SendOptions opts)
RouteMessage(Id target, PRawMessage msg, NodeHandle firstHop, SendOptions opts)

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.socket

Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type Id
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress pAddress)
          Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
 PastryNode SocketPastryNodeFactory.newNode(NodeHandle bootstrap, Id nodeId, java.net.InetSocketAddress pAddress, boolean throwException)
 void SocketNodeHandle.setNodeId(Id nodeId)

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type Id
SocketNodeHandle(EpochInetSocketAddress address, Id nodeId)
SocketPastryNode(Id id, Environment e)

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.socket.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.socket.messaging that return Id
 Id NodeIdResponseMessage.getNodeId()
          Returns the nodeId of the receiver.

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket.messaging with parameters of type Id
NodeIdResponseMessage(Id nid, long epoch)

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.standard

Methods in rice.pastry.standard that return Id
 Id CertifiedNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId
 Id IPNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId multiple invocations result in a deterministic series of randomized NodeIds, seeded by the IP address of the local host.
 Id RandomNodeIdFactory.generateNodeId()
          generate a nodeId

Methods in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type Id
static void CertifiedNodeIdFactory.generateCertificate(Id id, java.io.OutputStream os, java.security.PrivateKey key)
          Method which generates a certificate given the nodeid, location, and private key

Uses of Id in rice.pastry.testing

Fields in rice.pastry.testing declared as Id
 Id PastryRegrTest.lastNode

Methods in rice.pastry.testing that return Id
 Id IdRangeUnit.createIdWithPrefix(byte b)
 Id NodeIdUnit.createNodeId()
 Id LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle.getNodeId()
 Id PingMessageNew.getSource()

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type Id
 IdRange IdRangeUnit.createIdRangeEndingIn(Id cw)
 IdRange IdRangeUnit.createIdRangeStartingWith(Id ccw)
 void RegrTestApp.deliver(Id key, Message msg)
          Makes sure the message was delivered to the correct node by crossrefrencing the sorted nodes list in the simulator.
 boolean HelloWorldApp.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
          Invoked on intermediate nodes in routing path.
 boolean Ping.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id from, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 boolean PingClient.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id from, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 void RegrTestApp.sendMsg(Id nid)
 void Ping.sendPing(Id nid)
 void PingClient.sendPing(Id nid)
 void PingClient.sendTrace(Id nid)
 void RegrTestApp.sendTrace(Id nid)

Constructors in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type Id
LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle(Id id)
PingMessageNew(int pingAddress, NodeHandle src, Id tgt)

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.
